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Title:Incredible Hulk, The
Bearhugger:Gray Hulk
Victim:the Thing
Category:Bearhug in comic books
Year of the series:1962
Date published:December 1988
Volume / Issue:Volume 1 Issue 350: Before the Fall
Rating:3.00 (1 vote)
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Episode name:
Before the Fall

The Thing sinks to the bottom of a lake and the gray Hulk dives in after him. Hulk then grabs the Thing from behind in a Heimlich maneuver. This causes the air to be pushed out of Thing's lungs and water to be sucked in, in effect, "drowning" Thing. But Thing boxes Hulk's ears and swims to the surface to cough up the water in his lungs. Hulk then resurfaces as well and clobbers the Thing unconscious.

This is part 4. The first 3 parts are (in order):

Web of Spider-Man #44
Incredible Hulk #349
Fantastic Four #320 (bearhug)
Incredible Hulk #350 (Heimlich maneuver, so technically a bearhug)

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