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Title:Spectacular Spider-Man
Bearhugger:Kingpin, Wilson Fisk
Category:Bearhug in comic books
Year of the series:2010
Date published:August 2010
Volume / Issue: Issue 2: Bad New Day: Part 3 - The Last Stand
Rating:9.00 (3 votes)
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Episode name:
Bad New Day: Part 3 - The Last Stand

For hurting his friend Felicia Hardy the Black Cat, Spider-man attacks the Kingpin . . . and gets a Big bone-Crushing Bearhug from the Big Man in doing so!

Despite the title, this has nothing to do with the GregWeisman 2008-9 cartoon or the previous UK/Australian magazines (where the Kingpin also bearhugged Spider-Man).

This new comic from Otter Press continues where the last issue left off. Spider-man has been framed for crimes he of course didn't commit, gets together with the Black Cat, Molten Man, White Tiger and Prowler . . . secretly the Chameleon, who leads them into a trap of the Kingpin's.

NOW, the heroes fight the Kingpin's Wrecking Crew and the Avengers arrive, still thinking Spidey is guilty of the crimes committed earlier. So Spider-man must prove his innocence, stop the Wrecking Crew and beat the Kingpin.

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Info submitted by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

Creation date:2010-09-14
Modification date:2019-12-10
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