Matches with Loserboy

Matches with NickZ

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Loserboy vs NickZ
September 2009
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Loserboy (id 111)

5'4", 155 lbs
Montreal, Quebec
NickZ (id 3023)

5'5", 125 lbs
Staten Island, NY

[ NickZ's profile ]

A match held during the Okie Rumble 2009.

NickZ was the first one to approach me during the Oklahoma Rumble and I am very thankful for that. If it weren't for him, I would probably have stayed in my cocoon, shy and outside the circle of wrestlers that were there. I remember NickZ having a very cheerful, bright smile and a very enthusiastic and charming personality.

Seeing that NickZ is smaller than me in terms of weight (125 lbs vs 150 lbs), I figured that I could probably get the upper-hand easily when wrestling him. After all, my opponent being a smaller wrestler means a better advantage for me, right?

We reserved our little room and put up the sign that it was booked and we were ready to rumble.

NickZ and I started to lock up.

He took an early lead with the basics: a headlock to better control his opponent. At this point, I was telling myself "Pfft!", I can probably get out of it easily.

Next thing I know, NickZ uses his mighty strength and drops me to the floor and in a flash, he's just on top of me with this headlock, or to attempt to define it better, a form of reverse sleeper.

All I could mumble was: "What!? How did that happen??"

Now, many of you probably think that headlocks are worthless, but NickZ really knows how to apply them properly to make his opponent tap. I could have tapped out here: my veins on the back being clogged and blocked by his arms. However, NickZ gave me a chance there since he doesn't want to end the match this early :)

Fine, he gives me a little break so I might as well make the most out of it. With the headlock voluntarily loosened by my opponent, I figured I'll just try to rollover and have my body on him for better control.

Well, that didn't work well because after the rolling, he still had the upper hand by blocking and stretching my arms while making sure to put his legs in a defensive stance to avoid me from breaking the hold.

I struggle for a few moments trying to free up my arm knowing that it could be an easy win for him all depending on how my arms is being bent, stretched or played with...

I eventually broke free and landed a headlock with body scissors on NickZ. That could probably spell a submission for me, but NickZ is way more skilled than I expected.

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