Unexpected Move

By Crek

Owen is an 18 year old boy who is very athletic. These last weeks he, together with three other friends, is every weekend training to defend the colours of his college for an upcoming contest against other schools. He has reassembled a team in order to participate in a relay 4x50 meters swimming and 4x100 meters running. Owen intends also, during this meeting, to participate in organized individual contests like 100 meters swimming and 200 & 400 meters running.

On this Saturday afternoon they have decided to train their physical condition by spinning (cycling on music at different tempo) during 5 hours non-stop in the gym. At the end of their heavy afternoon, the four friends have fulfilled their training and they all take a shower to relax after this heavy effort. After that, they all meet in the cafeteria to have a fresh drink before going home.

It is 18h30 and Owen has just finished his shower. He enters the cafeteria carrying his sport bag. Everybody was looking a bit impressed to the way he was dressed. Owen is very physical minded and therefore likes to be dressed very lightly. He has long blond hair in a ponytail. During the spinning he was wearing a classic training outfit. As street wear he is dressed with a frayed very short cut off jeans short cut off till just above his ankle showing long athletic bronzed thighs. He is also wearing a sleeveless shirt, cut off till just above his abdominals, and a pair of baskets who are making him three to four centimetres taller. Owen is 1.85 meter tall, 1.88 with his baskets and weights 75 kg. His bare abdominals are flat like those of an athlete. His practically hairless athletic thighs give him a very sexy look in his cut off jeans short. Nobody could turn their eyes away of the relaxed and supple movement of his very well trained and muscular thighs when he was walking to the bar. His team partners were already sitting at the bar.

- Wooow says one of his team partner; you look in good shape like that. You dare walking on the street dressed like that?

- Why not, says Owen, on a hot summer day I can hardly wear winter clothes.

- Yeah, but the way you are dressed is very provocative and can lead to aggression from some vicious or pervert people.

- I know but don’t worry. I can defend myself.

- Your short can't be cut-off shorter, I think! Owen is smiling.

- My father will come and get me in about ten minutes; do you want us to drive you home?

- No thanks, that's ok. It’s only four kilometres through the park. It takes only half an hour to get home.

- You will walk through the park at this time of the day? You are mad it’s an isolated place. And at this time there can be people having wrong intentions running around there.

- I often walk with my dog in the park and I never noticed that.

- Yeah, in the morning or in the afternoon, but now it’s almost evening!

- Don’t worry about that, I will go now otherwise I will be too late. It’s already 19h30.

- Ok, see you tomorrow morning at the swimming pool. We have a training program to follow, remember?

- Ok, see you tomorrow.

- Be careful.

- Bye Owen took his sport bag and left the cafeteria.

The park entrance is just at the other side of the street and Owen walks slowly into it. After about ten minutes he hears a group of persons coming from the opposite direction. He can't see them yet as they are still behind a bush. Owen slows down his steps and sees three persons appearing at about twenty meters in front him. There is a small skinny old man accompanied by a girl, and another guy who has the look of a body guard.

The small man looks to be over the 70 years old. The girl looks to be in her 20th and the kind of body guard looks to be in his 50th.

They stopped walking at the moment they saw Owen. The old man and the girl are moving a little bit further away while the massive guy stays in position. Owen first hesitates and slowly continues his way.

- Hey, says the guy. Ready for some action?

- Some action, what do you mean? Asked Owen.

- Come on here, replies the guy.

Owen is not afraid. He is physical minded and due to his height he is also self confident. Owen is approaching slowly to the guy who is looking to the supple muscles of Owen’s inner thighs flexing at each step. Owen is now standing at about ten meters of the guy who is not moving.

- What do you want? Asked Owen

- What are you doing in the middle of the park at this time? Asked the guy.

- I am coming from the gym, replies Owen.

- Wow wow! Says the guy.

The guy is a little bit smaller than Owen, maybe 1.80 meters tall. He looks to be in the fifty. He has an aggressive face with his hair completely shaved. He looks fat and heavy. His fat arms are even bigger than the thighs of Owen. Owen realizes that it is not a good idea to challenge a guy like this one and is thinking about running away. What can he do against such a massive guy? However Owen has a feeling of superiority because of his height. He thinks that maybe he can hold him at distance because he is a bit taller. The girl was looking stupefied to the courage of the young boy who doesn’t run away. Owen drops his sport bag and moves slowly to the guy. He is now at about one meter from him and stops. The guy makes a quick move to intimidate Owen. Owen made one step behind and replicate immediately by a kick to his face and make again one step behind. Owen can kick very high; this is due to his height. Owen is removing his shirt and releasing is pony tail. He is preparing himself to fight and wants to have a more savage look by making his long blond hair free. They were all looking to Owen’s biceps bulging when he flexes his muscular arms behind his head to release his pony tail. They were also looking to his muscular bare V shaped upper body where his 6-packs abdominals and his inter-costal muscles are clearly drawn up. The guy took the opportunity of the small clumsy distraction from Owen to make a sudden and quick unexpected move by grappling his big arms around Owen’s bare waist, lifting him from the floor in a frontal rib crushing bear hug.

The movement has been so fast that Owen didn’t had time enough to react and now he is grappled in a painful crushing grip. The muscular upper body of Owen is now prisoner in the big fat arms of the guy. Owen feels his lower ribs starting to crack but doesn’t panic. His face is grimacing in pain. He is biting on his teeth as his head is going backwards. All his muscles are tightened to try to resist to the crushing pressure. His bare thighs are hanging on each side of his opponent with his feet at about thirty centimetres from the floor.

The guy is incredibly strong. Owen has a strong character and didn’t emit any shout of pain. Except a “UNGH” at the moment he was caught. But he has pain. His body is now arching backwards and his arms are wide open with his young biceps bulging and with his fists clench to try to tighten the muscles of his upper body.

The girl was looking amazed to the courage of this young boy crushed in the big arms of his opponent. The old man shouts sadistically:

- Crush him. I want to hear his ribs cracking.

The girl realizes that the poor Owen is lost. He has no chance against an opponent whose arms are much bigger than the thighs of the young boy. What can he do? The guy is now tightening the bear hug. Aaaaaaargghh screams Owen as the pain at his lower ribs begins to be unbearable. His body is arching more backwards.

- Yyyyou cccccruch mmmmme aaaaashole aaaaaaaaaaaarrgggghhhh. Ccccan’t bbbbbbbbbbreathe ungh

Owen’s ribs are now at the limit of cracking; his body is fully bent backwards, he is biting on his teeth as his head is going backwards by the pain. His thighs are hanging on each side of his opponent. The muscles of his thighs are flexing and bulging as his lower legs are at an angle of about 90 degree with his thighs.

During more than a minute there is no change in movement. The guy is still tightening the bear hug. Owen is still trying to resist to the incredible pressure applied on his lower ribs by tightening the muscles of his upper body with his arms wide open, bulging his biceps with clenched fists.

- Yes, yes, crush him shouts the old sadistic man.

- Ungh ungh aaaaaaaargggggghhhh shouts Owen.

The girl is still looking to the impressive spectacle. She is particularly impressed by the sculptural body of the young boy whose waist is almost flattened by the pressure and all the muscles of his back and arms are tight and striated. The young muscles of Owen’s back and shoulders are bulging due to the incredible effort done to resist to the crushing grip.

How long will the young boy be able to resist? The guy is now repositioning his hands grip in order to tighten more the bear hug. Owen feels the overpressure and has to find urgently a method to free him before the mad guy cracks him in two. In a hopeless effort, Owen tries to bend straight and is pushing vertically with his arms on the guy’s shoulders.

He starts to shake his body ahead and backwards and then left – right and repeats the movement again and again. His athletic thighs hanging on each side of his opponent with his feet off the floor are unfortunately useless in a frontal bear hug.

Aaagggh agggh agggh aaaaaaaaaaaghhhh waagh agghh unghhh… shouts Owen at each powerful shaking movement he was doing to try to get free from the crushing bear hug. But each of his flexing movements was horribly painful and without success. After several minutes of struggling to get hopelessly free, is Owen slowly losing conscience and is slowly weakening.

Suddenly, a short sound of bones cracking was heard.


- Waaaaaaarrrrghhhh shouts the young boy while his body is arching backwards.

- Yeeeeeeeeees you got him shouts the sadistic old man.

Some of his ribs are cracked. The guy releases slowly his grip and lays the defeated Owen slowly on his back in the grass. Owen is half conscious.

- Oooooohhhhh, is moaning Owen as he is lying on his back in the grass trying to get some air after this long choking grip.

- This was your first lesson, says the guy: never walk alone in the park at dusk.

- I will find you back later, says Owen.

The guy became angry after Owen’s remark and starts to choke him at his throat. The girl reacts immediately and says <>. And the guy releases his choking grip.

- The girl kneels near Owen and put her hand on his right thigh and says: Don’t worry young boy, you will recover quickly.

The guy, the old man and the girl disappears.

Owen is lying in the grass at least ten more minutes trying to regain consciousness. His muscles are now completely relaxed however his rib cage hurts each time he is breathing. He has to get up and go home.

He is now standing again, takes his sport bag and proceed his way to home. Owen is exhausted; he has been prisoner in the bear hug for at least six minutes. This is very long.

Once at home, Owen relaxed in the sofa. He thinks that it’s not necessary to be anxious because cracked ribs can recover quickly if well cared for and protected by a thick medical tape during recovery. Probably after a good night he will feel much better and again fit for the Sunday’s training session. – When I will be completely recovered, I will take revenge… he thinks.

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