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September 24, 2019  Some back and forth with Super Jobber  You got mail  5 years ago
May 9, 2016  Racks again!  You got mail  8 years ago

Tuesday September 24 2019 - Some back and forth with Super JobberYou got mail
One of my past opponents asked me to include this on my blog. This is what happens when a jobber talks with another jobber.

Super Jobber: Do you ever wear those speedos I gave you in a match? I hope so. They are very hot on you.

Loserboy: I never wore it in a match because they only look sexy on you lol.

Super Jobber: Are you nuts? Much sexier on you........as you know i am a sort of a speedo freak............i wore blue and white striped ones swimming this morning, i got them from a guy at the clash (he brought a shit load of them there and we got to choose whichever we wanted for free).... It's weird swimming in speedos knowing that you wrestle in them as well! its sort of freaky walking out to the pool in them wearing flip flops because that is the same thing I wear in the ring and i get sort of hard!.......my deepest confessions to you!!! I just think the gear is part of the sexiness of the wrestling, especially in pro....I meanits just like swimming where you are standing there in front of a crowd that is watching you in the most minimal of gear........and if you have the right body shape you can rock it..........just part of the thrill for me I guess, sort of crazy eh? But I know you love gear as well....when I am with you it is more about the sexiness of it because you are so hot........i know you are more into tests of strength which is just not me.... And you sort of put up with me because I am not your ideal big bear like creature you crave.... but thanks for indulging me :)

Loserboy: I agree with you to some extent :) I do love gear, but I tend to love more the pro gear nowadays. The kneepads, boots and elbow pads give me some sort of boost or confidence and strength in the ring :) What makes you think I like bears? ;)

Super Jobber: HAHAHAHAHA..............most of your matches are with BIG HAIRY guys.....I think it is your desire to "slay the big hairy creature" and show that you are the ALPHA male, the stronger one........wimpy, smaller guys like me are no test for the GREAT LOSERBOY, I must totally bore you.........i had this really hot Asian tag team partner a few years back, was into matching gear with me and wrestling barefoot, taped ankles the whole bit, total jobber, even worse than me, never fought back.....so hot, thats what i seek yet again.....

Loserboy: Super Jobber, if you bored me, I wouldn't have rolled in the ring with you in front of everyone that year at the Clash of the Titans :P

Super Jobber: True, but I don't present a real wrestling challenge to you was my point, I am not your "ideal" opponent....

Loserboy: You don't know need to be a real wrestling challenge. If you like wrestling, have a passion for it, and have a good personality then I will wrestle you :) And you do like wrestling and have a passion for it and you have a great personality :) And you probably know that I am more of a jobber than the heel that slay the big hairy creatures :P

Super Jobber: You a jobber? C'mon, you had me fooled! Too bad you are so far away, I could attack you right now :)))))

A pep talk between jobbers usually ends up with someone being a heel. You can't really have two jobbers losing a match in a ring. Well okay, maybe there are things like double disqualifications.

And honestly, I've wrestled guys that are smaller than me too. Sometimes, they are as fun as slaying the big hairy guy.

Blog ID 267      

Monday May 9 2016 - Racks again!You got mail
Someone on Meetfighters sent me this very nice message:

You have the best rack pics/vids in the underground wrestling world ;)


I love racking people and I think I do a much better job in racking people than bearhugging them. It's ironic. I love bearhugs, but I suck at giving people bearhugs (well I can lift them, but I can't make them submit).

Racks are entirely different. They look very impressive... but mostly they are just for show because I often don't have the required power to bend them enough especially if I go for bigger guys... which I often do because I love the size difference.

For smaller guys, yea, it's much easier to make them tap, but I have mixed experiences. Some guys I've fought have so much flexibility that racks just doesn't cut it: it doesn't do anything to them, it barely puts on them a scratch.

I think this shot below is one of my better shots:

It was taken 2 years ago during the NYC Wrestlefest 2014. Rusnak (id 2653) here is my victim and I later met him again on Feburary 2016, but couldn't lift him anymore. Darn! I need to work harder! Either it's because I lost some strength or that Rusnak gained some weight.

Usually, when I take shots of rack, I leave the camera on timer with 3 shots, which gives me around 10 to 16 seconds to pull of a rack. This one however was taken by EvilDark (id 1077) so I didn't have to rush to pull it off. This also explains why it comes out better than many of my other racks. It's always good to have a photograph.

Blog ID 62       x 2