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Friday August 11 2017 - CanWrestle in townRecent matches
CanWrestle (id 9693) was in town, so we had a short match together, mainly in sub. He knows me well by now and he can dodge all of my scissors pretty easily. I have to admit that he won this encounter fair and square. I was complaining he was sweaty and slippery, but so was I, except he was able to still make me tap anyway.

CanWrestle is an absolutely great guy and I kind of regret not having taken the ring again, considering that this location will be disappearing soon. I had it for 3 hours last time in February 2017 and we only used up two hours, so I didn't think it was necessary for this meetup. I need to keep in mind that if he's town, the ring would probably more fun for both of us so that we don't worry about breaking furniture. The way we do sub, we're pretty careful and respectful about it, but we did at times reduced the intensity because we are well aware of our surroundings. We've pretty much even matched even though he usually have a lot more technique due to his BJJ background. The only way I can counter that is with usually a higher resistance to some of his holds... or in simpler words, stubbornness. Until I realize that I probably should submit sooner to prevent injuring myself, which I felt I did a bit more often this time around.

After our fight, we went and watched Atomic Blonde at the theater. We chose something to just relax: just a nice outing between friends. CanWrestle then discussed with me that we should plan a wrestling trip to Toronto together some time. I've expressed to him my concerns that Toronto was not a good destination for me because I've been burned by it in the past. I had one week-end where all of my wrestlers canceled. I guess this is still not a reason to penalize a whole city and scratch it off my radar. He explained to me that there's an advantage of traveling together: if other wrestlers cancel or don't show up, we can still fight or explore the city together. Then yes, I definitely need to plan this trip soon with him.

There are no pictures this time around, but I dug up the ones we took in September 2015. To show the contrast between his techniques and mine: I am applying my traditional ineffective bearhug, while he does an elaborate arm bar with triangle head scissors.

The above move which you most often see in MMA matches is real lethal, but CanWrestle will be very careful about it. He's one of the few I can trust to pull it off with gradual pressure without breaking my arm. Be warned that if you ever get caught in something like this, it's pretty much a guaranteed submission for your opponent.

In the next one, he gets to do this champion flexing pose, but don't worry, I'll have my revenge one day.

Blog ID 144

Date created:2017-08-11
Date modified: 21:03:12.740301
Revision number:16