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Wednesday December 13 2017 - Dromedary clutches!Hold it!
You know what? I never understood why they specifically chose the camel instead of any other animal for this hold. Anyway, I posted the other day a set of boston crabs, so it is only fair that I post a series of camel clutches, right?

We'll start with one against RBWrestle (id 395). Usually I am the prey who falls victim to this hold, but this fellow likes this hold, so what gives?

This one below is from Fightdure (id 1591). This guy disappeared from the wrestling scene after he found his soulmate. I wish I could still wrestle him, but I'm very happy for him either ways. He's a sweet and generous guy that wouldn't hurt a fly, really. One of my past encounters with him is still available under Match ID 128, the shots that were taken in that scenario were however before his loss of weight.

I like how EvilDark (id 1077) is holding the camel in this one. That's one good way of doing it. It's almost a sleeper/headlock.

Last, but not least, this camel is applied by the mighty CT_Bodyslams (id 6931) who isn't afraid to show off and flex his muscles.

Next time I do this, I checked out the distribution charts and I apparently need to put up more full nelsons.

Blog ID 172

Date created:2017-12-13
Date modified: 16:59:37.836694
Revision number:4