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Friday December 29 2017 - The Secret to Ultimately Strong ScissorsOff-topic
This is the secret of my scissors. During all these years, I managed to make people submit by squeezing them between my legs because of this. This is the perfect thing that will tell you how to beat all of your opponents:

It looks like a book, but nope, it's not. If it was a book, it would be a 500 pages book that would blabber nonsense or perhaps teach you the secret martial arts techniques of squeezing the life out of your adversaries. It can't be a DVD cover/holder because the dimensions are too thick and weird. It's actually a VHS tape... That last sentence just reminds me how old I am now.

And I'm really just kidding. I found this the other day while cleaning up some old junk from my friend's apartment and I felt like taking a picture and sharing it for the heck of it. I'm sure many people out there really use this to build up their legs... well, not the VHS variant. Nowadays, it would rather be through clips on YouTube.

Nah, my scissors comes from rollerblading.... I think. And truth be told, I haven't rollerbladed since a while now. Last summer was so shitty that I didn't even think of getting my skates out of the box.

So yeah, this VHS tape clunker is a worthless antiquity that now belongs to a landfill because I'm sure that even the local non-profit organization has no use for this. I still remember that we used to have a huge library of tapes just about 2 decades ago. A 2 hours tape meant high quality play, 4 hours was medium quality, but we had everything recorded under 6 hours so we can cram as many shows or movies as we can since these tapes were already taking so much space... Not to mention that the price of 3$ per tape was steep for me back then. Nowadays, you get blank DVDs at a rate of approximately 50 cents per disc, but who wants obsolete discs when you can cram a gigantic load of junk in USB keys and external hard drives that holds 1,000 times more than what DVDs can hold?

For some reason, I thought the bottom of the box reads: "For men's things, butt and calves". I was wondering what "things" this tape is referring to... It took me quite a while to finally realize that this tape was referring to thighs. But hey, I'm sure that by working on your thighs, it will make the things between your legs better.... and harder.

Blog ID 175

Date created:2017-12-29
Date modified: 00:28:25.64451
Revision number:19