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Wednesday January 23 2019 - Urgh... snow!Rant
I've been reminded of our long and dreadful winters by this recent drop of snow. We even got freezing rain today to make matters worse and I need to shovel this alley way.

It's good exercise though, so I guess I should quit whining. And as you can see, I'm doing this while having a thick layer of protection and while wearing headsets listening to some silly music.

The irony here is that I never had to shovel this backyard until a couple of years ago. The neighbors were complaining that the accumulation of snow was a fire hazard. It's in the sense that it would block an emergency exit of the back entrance in case of fire.

Blog ID 227

Date created:2019-01-23
Date modified: 22:35:11.431168
Revision number:4