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Saturday March 30 2019 - New masks and a pair of trunksGear
Why do I even bother buying masks considering that I seldom ever wear them anymore? Well.... that's because they are not for me: they are mostly for my opponents who prefer to conceal their real identity when pictures are taken. And you'd have to admit, behind those masks, anyone would look like a completely different person. Who's this guy anyway?

I got these new masks from Spandexman. Normally, I'd get them from eBay, but for some reason, the price for such a rare commodity has spiked up by a large margin recently, so I've decided to look and shop around. The mask was described as a "Mocha wrestling mask with black accents". Give it any fancy name you want, for me, it's still a brown mask. The second one I got is entirely black.

It does make me look like a retard... or maybe your local shoplifter. I'm just kidding! Truth be told, I think this get up makes me look more like a big bag heel rather than a jobber. Perhaps my stance and facial expression adds to that sentiment.

I was also looking for my old MMA gloves.. the red ones. For some reason, I can't find them anymore. I must have given them to someone. After all, trading or giving away gear is somewhat a form of bonding and recognition or affection between wrestlers. I could only find these black MMA gloves, which I've used in a couple of matches. The trunks I'm sporting are new as well, also from Spandexman, but for some reason, I felt they look better online. They are a bit tight on me, but they're still nice anyway. I guess you can call me a gear whore.

Yeah, that's the "Look at me, I'm gonna beat you up!" stance again. It's probably the kind of picture that would scare most wrestlers away. Here's one that's a little bit more inviting:

It's as if I was saying: "Hey, wanna come and join the wrestling party?"

I didn't bother cropping the last one. Why? Because now you get to see my lazy do-it-yourself improvised home studio I was trying to set up. If you go back to the previous images, you'll notice that cropping really does some awesome magic to the overall look of your pictures. What equipment did I use to create this ghetto studio? A queen-sized dark blue bed sheet and two clothing pins.

Blog ID 239

Date created:2019-03-30
Date modified: 17:14:42.041809
Revision number:13