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Sunday June 16 2019 - The Bow and ArrowHold it!
No, I'm not talking about archery.

In my opinion, the Bow and Arrow is one of the most dangerous holds out there. It's both because of the difficult setup it requires to pull it out properly and the trust you need to put on your opponent. The jobber needs to face down while the heel puts both his knees on the jobber's back. He then puts his arms on the opponent's legs and chin, then turns backwards in a 180 degrees flip so that the opponent ends up facing up. If done improperly, you could probably break someone's neck... so yeah, don't do this at home unless you have the proper training for it or that you've tried it with someone who actually know what he is doing.

I've never applied this myself, but I was lucky enough to have both EvilDark (id 1077) and Tycoon (id 2690) apply this hold on two separate occasions.

Here's the one with EvilDark:

The Tycoon actually cheats here by putting his hand elsewhere... but it's not a cheat when your opponent doesn't mind it. It's not illegal either, but then again, you don't really get to see this on TV.

You'll notice that these versions are actually the tame and light versions because my feet are touching the mattress, hence reducing the weight my opponent needs to bear with their own knees. In the real version, you are technically completely dangling in mid-air because the opponent is also holding your feet. So all in all, you need someone who is close to your weight proportionally so that his knees on your back doesn't crush you and you need someone who is capable of holding your weight with his knees. With such complex requirements, it's no wonder you don't see this hold often. Visually though, I'd have to say it's beautiful to see.

Blog ID 251

Date created:2019-06-16
Date modified: 22:42:01.127171
Revision number:7