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Friday October 25 2019 - Long time no bearhugs :)Bearhugs
It's been a while since I posted a string of bearhugs. These are mainly stills that are taken at least in the last year.

We'll start with a bearhug by VTWrestleFun (id 11021) in November 2018. You can also check the alternate photoset where you'll find a pic where I was the one giving the bearhug. This handsome fellow is one of the rare bears that like smaller guys. Truth be told, I think I've become too big for him now, but he was still very kind to wrestle me anyway.

Next up was my encounter with RasslorBear (id 3872) in April 2019. He may look huge and ferocious, but deep down, he is a teddy bear. Regardless, his bearhug looks mean and strong. Does it packs a punch? Well, you should ask RasslorBear to give you one and you'll be the judge of it.

This one is with Bobby, who doesn't wrestle at all. He was nice enough to take a few shots with me though. I know... this one looks more like an embrace than a bearhug...

Now that I'm back into my heel mode, I'm ready to pick up a big Vicious (id 5128) villain and crush him to oblivion! (Yeah right, Vicious is probably laughing at my pitiful bearhug right now!) This was taken in March 2019. I did the mistake of turning the camera at the wrong side of the room. I think what's behind the camera was probably way better suited than all these kitchen applicances.

Last, but not least, a bearhug on Elrac (id 692) is my finale. Surely, I can handle this pitiful jobber now that I'm heavier than him. We've recorded this also in March 2019... at a much smaller hotel. You can see with the bed mounted on the wall that we've were crying for space.

Looking at these hotel matches sure make me miss the ring... but I should stop being a spoiled brat and at least be happy with the matches I get.

Blog ID 274

Date created:2019-10-25
Date modified: 18:05:17.72098
Revision number:8