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Tuesday December 10 2019 - Unconventional: RAWR!Selfies
So I know this is a very douchy thing to do at a gym, but how often do you see someone wearing a geeky t-shirt like this with a Jurassic cat that has « RAWR! » written all over?

I mean... most of the time, you'd see shirts that say "Strong, Strength, Muscle, Brute, Popeye's Supplements or Gold's Gym", so why not try something out the box and wear something different?

This cat will beat all brutes, hands down!

I know.. I had a prolonged absence, but I started a new job recently after having stayed at my previous one for almost a decade. I haven't been actively looking for matches lately and I'm giving myself time to get settled to my new position, whatever is needed to pass probation and to be comfortable enough to find enough time to fight and conquer the forces of evil wrestlers at night... eventually!

Blog ID 280

Date created:2019-12-10
Date modified: 17:12:40.496058
Revision number:8