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Saturday August 1 2020 - LumberG: First match since (de-)confinementRecent matches
Last time I wrestled Lumber_Jack_G was in October of 2017. That's almost 3 years. We got out of touch, his schedule became busy and so was mine. I also felt that he was way out of my league... he's a very handsome wrestler in my book.

He contacted me recently and he asked me if I wanted to wrestle. His requirement was that I was taking measures to stay safe and that I haven't wrestled in the past 14 days. I told him that a person in the high risk bracket (meaning an elder) is living with me, so I do the usual: face mask, social distancing, wiping of groceries (even though I think this latter step is a bit of an overkill). These days, I also only use Uber to move from one point to another. I still don't trust the subway or bus system yet. There is a risk with Uber, but I feel the risks are exponentially much less than mass transit. I also haven't wrestled... since February (about 5 months ago).

Anyhow, we finally got together and he was afraid that he'd be a bit rusty. As we lock horns, it was clear that he picked up everything again very fast. He also built up some endurance and resistance because I had quite a lot of trouble making him tap in my body scissors... but then again, he loves body scissors. We always have a tolerance against holds that we love.

LumberG likes to suffer. On top of scissors, he also likes racks and reverse indian death locks. I love hurting him. He also likes to hurt me in revenge.... Although I constantly tease him that he's incapable of doing so. He loves to flex his biceps.. and I do melt when he does that... The important thing however is that we trust each other and that we have good wrestling compatibility. He also apparently likes my belly. He explained to me that it was either doing sub with me or doing pro with someone else, and that he took me instead because he knows that I can hurt him. Am I sadistic? In LumberG's case, probably yes... but you guys know that deep down, I have the heart of a nice jobber.

Between our wrestling rounds, we took breaks: we caught up on our past 3 years. He made me smile when he commented that I know every wrestler in Montreal and I practically wrestle anyone... even the wrestlers that I do not like. I told him that I do ban a few people. Those that I know that it's only about themselves or those that have hurt others in the past. And honestly, I do *NOT* know every wrestlers in Montreal. More than half the wrestlers in the city won't wrestle me because I don't fit their requirements and that's absolutely fine.

Another memorable moment that made me grin was that no matter how strong LumberG becomes, the pressure of the ankle lock is almost impossible to withstand. (Mind you, I've fought wrestlers that can easily escape it, but luckily LumberG doesn't know yet how to get out of this treacherous hold thankfully).

I took advantage of this. I taunted and nagged him while holding him with my ankle lock. I even had my hands behind my head:

LB: "I can beat you without my arms, you know. How about submitting now before it becomes too painful?"
LG: "What? You think I'm a pansy?"
LB: "Ah... that's a pretty good idea. How about you say: 'I'm a pansy.'"
LG: "No way!"

At this point, I start increasing the pressure on his leg and I get a proper response:
LG: "I'm a pansy! I'm a PANSY!"

This is by the way a great way to strengthen his urge for vengeance. He usually becomes rougher and more aggressive after this type of altercation. We had quite a lot of fun mocking, punching and punishing each other through the evening. Fast forward three hours later, I had to leave because he was working the next morning. I apparently left him bruises and I'm wondering if his back or his ribs are okay...

I've been lazy and kept my beard and my hair growing and he apparently liked that. I also remembered this time not to wear any deodorant.

LumberG made me feel very comfortable and he also made me realize that I miss wrestling a lot. It was extremely nice to reconnect with him. It's kind of a signal for me to remember to try to reach out for the wrestlers I trust and attempt to set up a match again. With the right precautions taken into place, we can make it happen and still stay safe. In Montreal, gatherings of 250 are now permitted and de-confinement is still in progress although cases seem to be going up again. Still, I shouldn't fret for gatherings of two, especially if I know that my opponent is trying to be cautious as well.

Blog ID 295

Date created:2020-08-01
Date modified: 19:27:35.142485
Revision number:36