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Saturday March 19 2022 - Coming outBlog entry
So, about two weeks ago, I finally told my mom that I'm gay.

I know... I'm 41 years old, my mom lives with me, I probably should have done this sooner, but you know... she's very conservative, very religious, goes to mass every day... I knew it would break her heart, but it was necessary given the tension I had with the rest of my family. We had a disagreement on how she should be handled given her semi-autonomous status and the gradual, continual loss of her autonomy.

Regardless, she took it rather well... She said she knew it, she prayed every day still that I wasn't. She did ask me why I like men. And she told me that regardless of my orientation, I should still ago to church and she even mentioned that the pope once said that who is he to judge gay people? Ironically, a couple of years ago, she brushed that pope away because of that sentence, saying that he was too liberal. Hey, people do change with time. Come to think of it, even if she was really against my orientation (which I'm sure, she still is), there's not much she can do about it because she's very dependent on me. 20 years ago, I'd probably be kicked out and no longer considered from being her son, but now she needs me to do the simplest thing like renewing her medication, getting her a few groceries, paying her bills or calling the doctor to inquire about a pain she's been having because she's unable to do these simple tasks herself. For the record, she's 74.

All in all, It's a big step. It doesn't mean that I can bring wrestlers at my place, but it gives her peace of mind. For example, I can now tell her that I will sleepover at my boyfriend's... whereas all this time, she thought I was perhaps walking in the village or frequenting bars and that one day, I might come back home getting beaten up, with perhaps blood dripping from my mouth or having a black eye... Yeah no worries about that, I go to bars maybe once in a blue moon, usually when I have visitors in town. I don't go on a weekly or daily basis like the piece of figment of fear and imagination she's been having. 😉

So, what did I tell her all this time when I go meet wrestlers or when I take a flight to go to a wrestling event? Well... the usual cracked up stuff: I'm going to New York city or Atlanta for business, my work is sending me there, I will be coming home late tonight because of overtime... blah blah blah. She obviously didn't believe it, but it's not as if she couldn't do anything about it. She did inquire with my sisters, but they have always brushed the question away.

Mind you, my mom is an extraordinary person for she was able to raise 3 kids on her own, working numbingly for 40 years in the same place she hated, where she was ostracized (ironically) by people of the same ethnicity. Her kids mean everything to her. She can't speak French, nor English, yet she still managed to survive, raise us and see us flourish.

I didn't tell her yet that I wrestle though... are you crazy? 😝

I do remember asking though when I was younger if it watch okay to watch people fighting on TV (not to say the word "wrestle"... you know, this could include boxing, UFC, or just a plain TV series like Batman) and she did tell me that I shouldn't. It's just not okay according to her to watch people fighting TV even if it's fake (so I guess this would include the "KaPows!" in Batman).

There is still a long way ahead, but the biggest chunk is done. We don't go into specifics and that's understandable, it will still take some time. However, I no longer lie to her when I say I go out or with whom I go out with. I also no longer have to say that if I cut my hair, that it was a gurl who cuts my hair, because if it was a guy who cuts my hair, it apparently immediately would make me gay, because that's the stereotype that's engraved into her mind. 😂

Mind you, the same applies if I hangout with friends that are guys... let alone, tumble with them. 🤼‍♂️

Blog ID 326

Date created:2022-03-19
Date modified: 07:45:26.428993
Revision number:17