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Saturday February 14 2015 - Still need to work on some matchesPast matches
I still have a handful of matches I need to write. Here's 2 of them: one with Gates (id 2541) in September 2012 and one with Ed (id 3011) from February 2013.

I came up with the wrestling match section a couple of years ago with the intent of making it easier and faster to write matches, but no matter what I do, it is still somewhat time consuming to write up scenarios and prepping up the pictures for it. On average, I'd say writing a match takes anywhere from 2 to 6 hours depending on the length of the match and the amount of pictures that were taken.

Anyway, what should I start with first? The scenario against Gates or the scenario against Ed?

By the way, you can now rate my pictures by clicking on them. Each vote will grant you +1,000 bearhug points.

Blog ID 7

Date created:2015-02-14
Date modified: 12:00:45.187106
Revision number: