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Sunday November 10 2024 - 3 weeks outside the country | BSP site news |
I was 3 weeks outside the country between October 20 and November 9. I just got back and currently going through the whole directory of profiles and pictures I need to approve. Please bear with me, the backlog will be cleared in the next few days. New profiles should all be approved. Pictures tied to profile should be ready in the next 48 hours. Bearhug uploads will take a wee bit longer: perhaps a week of wait. Thank you for your understanding. 😀 Update: As of November 15, all backlog uploads and profiles should now have gone through. If you still don't see your pictures or profile changes, please reach out to me. | |
Tuesday April 9 2024 - Sorry for the downtime | Server status |
Looks like the renewal for site hosting is up and I forgot to update my payment details. The site should be back online now and hosting should be covered for another 3 years, which means that I'll need to remember to renew again on April 2027. Apologies for the downtime. I thought the site was down for at least 2 days, but looking at recent registrations, I had two yesterday, so I'm guessing the site went down for only a brief moment this morning. About 15 minutes after I renewed, the site went back online, which was a relief because the billing notes mentioned that it would take 24 hours for the site to re-activate. Inflation was quite a kicker in the balls this time since the hosting fees went 25% up. So, if you guys would like to help keep the site online, I'm still be happy to get donations. You can follow this link here to get additional details. | |
Sunday December 24 2023 - Happy Holidays 2023! | BSP site news |
I'd like to wish you guys a happy holiday season. Hoping you guys get to relax, chill and have fun... Plus, hoping that a wide new series of matches comes your way for the new year. 🥰 I may look inactive on the news front, but I'm still active on the site. It will probably remain this way for a while longer, the time needed for me to settle things on my end. Cheers! | |
Sunday May 7 2023 - Stories from Randy | Bearhug stories |
I'm still alive.. I know it's been five or six months since my last entry here, but I still go through the images submitted on site whether it is for a profile pic for your picture or if it's a nice bearhug picture to archive as part of our collection... And don't worry, I still process complaints, new profiles, lost passwords and all the jazz that comes with the regular management of a site. 😏 Today's note is more about Randy (id 7305): he has been pretty busy writing quite a few stories that he kindly shared with everyone here. He wrote 6 chapters from a story titled as "Wrestling with PJ" and 5 more for another called "The Croton Resort". If you're an avid reader, then this is your chance to read some great wrestling content. | |
Monday December 26 2022 - Happy Holidays! | BSP site news |
Sorry, this entry is a bit late, but I guess better late than never? 😅 I'm wishing everyone visiting the site a happy holiday season. Be safe, don't drink too much, but most importantly, go out and have fun with you friends and family. May the new year be a year full of wrestling matches and good health, joy and happiness to all of you. 🥰 Thank you again for checking out and supporting the site. 🎄 | |
Sunday October 16 2022 - Profile notes | Wrestling personals |
I've recently re-added the personal notes on each wrestling profile. You can add and edit these notes by visiting the profile or while composing your messages. Keep in mind that these notes are only for you. Nobody else sees them, not even your opponent or the recipient of your message. | |
Sunday August 21 2022 - Very small update | Wrestling personals |
Sorry for the long awaited overdue update... I have been still tweaking the site silently in the background and processing support requests. It's not as if I don't do anything at all in the past few months: I mean, new profiles are still been approved along with their images, requests for deletion of scammers and invalid profiles are still been done and other sections of the site are still being maintained. Yes, I'm still alive. 😉 Anyhow, with a growing amount of concern over monkeypox, I've added the status for it for your profile. By default, every profile on the site simply won't show anything about it. So... if you actually want to show something, you can just edit your profile and select whatever option you think is appropriate. I even listed the natural catch and recover option. 😅 I hope I won't make anyone mad for it. It's really impossible to please everyone, but like I said, if you don't do anything, it simply won't list any additional information on your profile. So yeah... it's totally optional for those who wish to display that they are safe when they wrestle other people, because yes, a lot of wrestlers out there are pretty hysterical about it since wrestling is after all, a very very physical contact type of sport. 😀 By the way, they are giving the shot for free in Montreal, Quebec, Canada even for international travelers. That is... if you're having trouble finding it in your country or don't meet the criteria or minimum requirements. | |
Sunday April 24 2022 - Slowness and network connections problems abound... | Server status |
Yes, I am aware that there are problems with site connectivity and there's a lot of pages timing out in the past 72 hours. My hosting service provider is on the problem and they are currently working on it. All I can do is wait for them to sort things out, so please bear with me. You might still be able to connect, some pages might still load slowly and others might time out. If you get a connection problem, please try again later. Thank you for your understanding and your patience. Update: As of April 25 2022, everything looks back to normal. | |
Wednesday April 6 2022 - There's more TA than BG now... | Bearhug uploads |
I haven't noticed it until today, but according to the listing of Bearhugs by Companies, we now have more Thunder's Arena pics than BG East's pics. We are currently at 9500+ Thunder (20.9%) bearhugs compared to 9400+ BG bearhugs (20.7%). Technically, 1 out of every 5 pics on the site is from BG and 1 out of every 5 pics is from TA. A decade ago, I used to remember when BG completely dominated this market and everybody out there was so far from remotely getting close to their numbers. Nowadays, anybody can open a digital download shop with Spotify, Gumroad or any other e-shop framework and sell their wrestling content and getting a higher share of the profits. We now have lots of small players who can't wait to show their talent. This competition is pretty healthy. For us, it means a lot more bearhugs to come and a wider variety of wrestlers that give and receive them. 😅 | |
Sunday March 20 2022 - Support for timezones | Wrestling personals |
So in case you haven't noticed, all dates and times displayed on the site were using the Eastern timezone. The problem is... if you are in Australia, then the dates would be very weird because the time would be skewed by 15 hours. When you visit the Control Panel after having logged in, the site will automatically calculate your time zone based on your location (or specifically, the location of your internet service provider). This is only done once and it will be stored in your profile, so that it does not have to calculate again. That being said, if you do travel to a different time zone, you'll have to click on the "Reset" timezone in the Control Panel so that it recalculates the time. There's probably a better way to handle this, but this is a quick fix for now. This was an attempt to fix the issue mainly on messages sent, received and read from your inbox. I'm not sure if I was able to fix this elsewhere. As such, there might be other types of skewing elsewhere. If you notice a problem, please do let me know. Thanks! Last, but not least, donations are re-opened on the site. You can simply send your donations using Paypal to bearhug_@hotmail.com, but if you don't have Paypal or prefer a more anonymous way to donate, you can now use cryptocurrencies. For more information, check the donate page. | |
Saturday January 29 2022 - Remastering | BSP site news |
So I was going through the old school stuff, which I wanted to replace with snapshots taken from newly remastered videos. I fell on to this example that I'd like to share that shows exactly why all this re-mastering is going on and why it makes so much of a difference. In our bearhug archives, we had this photo uploaded about 10 years ago between Hercules and Scott Casey. It's low quality, a bit grainy and it's small. ![]() And then... lo and behold, you have the remastered version: ![]() Wow! So much crisper and clearer, don't you think? It makes me wanna cry.... of joy! 😂 Sure, it's not perfect, it's not as crystal clear as the 1080p or the 4K that is shoved right into our faces nowadays on our 95 inch high definition televisions, but it's still quite a bit improvement. One step at a time! Anyhow, all of this happens silently bit by bit behind the scenes right now in the Bearhug Uploads. It's a bit slow, but it's getting there. Also, I learned today that if you want to force refresh a page because it's still displaying the old one, it's Ctrl+Shift+R. 😝 | |
Sunday January 23 2022 - Bearhug sub-categories | Bearhug uploads |
Minor update to the bearhug uploads: I've created two new sub-categories to divide them, because they were previously put all together in the same bucket (Bearhug in TV wrestling) and searching for them was a tad bit difficult. We now have bearhugs from content creators and bearhugs from indies. Bearhugs from content creators include things like YouTube vlogs and channels that usually rely on Patreon to make ends meet. Bearhug from fan sites like OnlyFans, GumRoad, Clips4Sale and content from WatchFighters can also be placed in this bucket as long as they represent a single person, a single entity or a small group of individuals. This one is really to alleviate the sub-category 'Bearhug from companies' which seems like a ditch for every type of bearhugs, but there are way too many images in this bucket. Bearhugs from indies are all the small names independent wrestling organizations that are not part of the TNA, AEW or WWF or its subset (so nothing from Mid-South, AWA, NWA, WCW, WCCW), but independent organizations like IWF, IPWUK, TCW, CWE, ECPW, ACW, FCW, BCW and many others will make the cut for this category. It's most likely organizations that do not have the big national TV exposure that gets to be placed separately. It's your local wrestling show that you can attend, but you must be in this specific city and that sometimes also post their content on YouTube. While you're at it, you can also browse the Bearhug from Companies from the Upload Panel to get the whole listing. Have a look also at the Best Bearhugs to check see if their ranking should change. 😅 | |
Friday December 24 2021 - Happy Holidays! | BSP site news |
Happy holidays everyone! Stay safe and warm. Enjoy your time off whether it is with your friends, your family or your loved ones. This year has been tough, but here's to hoping that things will go back to normal in this new upcoming year. 😀 | |
Saturday December 4 2021 - Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) | Bearhug uploads |
We've had quite a few posts lately on recently submitted CGI images. These take quite a lot more than work than photographic ones, so please take the time to rate them, or the least you can do is visit the creator's website, give them good feedback or support them in any shape or form. Who knows? The talent these guys have can help you realize your most cherished fantasy or dream match-up or whatchamacallit... Uploads from AntaeusDigital Official site: https://www.deviantart.com/antaeusdigital Uploads from Balmos Official site: https://www.patreon.com/balmos Uploads from Barbaric Brawn Official site: http://www.barbaricbrawn.com Uploads from Undercover Beast Official site: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/undercoverbeast/ You may if you wish upload your own illustrations and computer-generated imagery. If you do post from someone else's artwork though, make sure you get permission from them first and if they do grant it, please give them credit by mentioning their online handle and website in the description of your submissions to the site. Again, photography takes anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours to set up (lighting, angles, gear), but digital imagery content requires anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days of work to get the right (or perfect) 3D models, backgrounds, texture, skin tones/elements and positions to be generated. Since a lot more work is required, drawing artists for both digital and illustration drawings are usually stricter with how their work is shared online. Thanks! | |
Thursday December 2 2021 - December | Bearhug uploads |
It's December already... I haven't touched much the Wrestling Personals, but I've been adding quite a few images quite in the Bearhug Uploads and entries in the Bearhug Database. A friend gave me a handful of high quality high resolution videos from a lot of old school pro wrestling dating from 1978 to 1996 ranging from Stampede Wrestling to NWA, Mid-South & Mid-Atlantic Wrestling to WCCW & GCW and a boat load of Prime Time. It will probably take me several lifetimes to document all the bearhugs and upload the gazillion screenshots that can be extracted from these videos onto the site. It also means sometimes replacing older images that are of lesser quality with the updated ones that are clearer, cleaner, better, bigger and brighter. We are talking about going from VHS tapes where the band has been used so many times that grainy images, static and distortion appears on almost every frame to a pristine clear visuals of a 720 (and sometimes 1080) pixels streaming, which has a higher video quality than a DVD and which quality will never degrade over time no matter how many times you view it. You may think that all this restoration should not be a priority, but I started the site just as a gallery or as a collection of the bearhugs I grew up with, so the uploads & entries will still continually exist as one of the permanent core foundations of the site. That being said, I am still open for occasional improvements whether it is on the personals or on any other section of the site. If you have some enhancements requests that you think are more pressing than others, feel free to give me a shout on what I can do to improve bearhugger.net | |
Tuesday October 5 2021 - The Bear vs The Badger | Wrestling matches |
I guess most people don't even know that the Match section has been brought back online (since June 2020 actually). It's really because there was very little activity lately. Well... there has been a new match finally, featuring The Bear vs The Badger. It's all there under Match ID 375. While you're at it, make sure you give him a nice thumbs up for sharing his photos with us, or, even better, post a comment to let them know what you'd like to see them do next in terms of holds or story line. This is also a friendly reminder that you can create your own match from the Match Panel, but if that's too much trouble, then you can give me your picture sets instead and I will still try to write a good story for you. The easiest way is really to upload your pictures to your profile and then reach out to Profile ID 509. I'm just an average writer, so don't expect me to write as nicely as some of the talented authors we have on the site. 😅 | |
Saturday August 21 2021 - Latest recommendations, listing of thumbs up and comments on profile pictures | Wrestling personals |
I had a bit of spare time today to add a few more features to the site: - You can view the latest wrestling profile recommendations. - You can view the latest thumbs up on profile pictures. - You can now add comments to profile pictures. Just click on a wrestler's pic and you'll be given an option to comment. Most of these are accessible from your usual Control Panel. Hungry for a feature you'd like to have? Please do contact me. | |
Friday August 13 2021 - Sent history and upvote a profile picture | Wrestling personals |
You can now upvote profile pictures. If you visit a profile and click on any of its additional pic, you'll see a shiny new link that says "![]() An user has also asked me to provide a way to look at all the messages you've sent to any wrestlers. From the "Inbox", you should see a link near the top that says "Sent History". This should give you the listing of all your sent messages. If you have any other features you'd like to see, be sure to give me a howler. | |
Thursday July 29 2021 - 10,000 remaining views? | Bearhug uploads |
If you've accumulated 10,000 remaining views or more in the Uploads Section, feel free to send me a message and I'm sure we can swap it for something worth your while. 😅 | |
Wednesday July 28 2021 - 3 stories submitted | Bearhug stories |
For those who enjoy reading a bit of fiction to clear out your mind from what's going on in the real world 😅, you can now access the following three stories that were submitted recently: Many thanks for these authors who responded to my plea to revive and put some spice in the Stories section. It's a small niche to the few who enjoy it, but that doesn't mean that we should not give it some love. 🥰 Please make sure you give them a good rating or drop a nice comment. Keep the influx and momentum of stories coming by encouraging them. | |
Wednesday July 21 2021 - How to vote? | Bearhug uploads |
So, I still get people pinging me because they don't know how to vote. I figured I should make it clear here: Once you are logged in, visit a bearhug upload, like this one for example. You will see a field that says "Rate this bearhug" just like the image below. ![]() From the drop down menu, select a rating from 1 to 10 (1 being bad, 10 being best) and click on "Vote". Repeat this for other images and this should give you 10 views per vote. | |
Saturday June 26 2021 - Ratings equals extra views | Bearhug uploads |
The participation of votes and ratings in the Bearhug Uploads section is at an all-time low. I'm seeing lots of bearhugs with just 1 or 2 votes. In order to encourage people to give ratings, I've came up with a new system that grants each user 10 views per vote (or per rating... a vote is technically a rating). In addition, when you vote on a bearhug, that bearhug becomes permanently unlocked and you will not need to use a view to view it. If you haven't voted yet on a bearhug, then you will spend a remaining view until you have none left. So what happens when you have no remaining views? Well, you can still view and vote on older bearhugs to gain more views. What qualifies as an old bearhug? It's actually the total amount of bearhugs in the system divided by 2. So, if we have 20,000 bearhugs in the system, the oldest 10,000 bearhugs can be viewed without any issue and can be used to cast votes to gain more views whereas the other half requires that you have at least one remaining view... to view it. With this in place, I am hoping we can attain the voting numbers we had in the past. it's always fun to see these pictures compete for the best bearhug out there. 🤗 Views are spent only when you are logged in. When you are not logged in, the amount of images you can view is capped at 5 images. | |
Friday June 25 2021 - Descriptive profile images | Wrestling personals |
Little update today: your personal images uploaded to your profile can now be edited to add a small description. This description will appear when users browse your gallery of pictures. To add a description to your picture, go to [ Manage Pictures ] and click on [ Edit ] on any of your pictures. When a checkmark ![]() Note that the maximum size of your description should not exceed 1,000 characters. If you really want to write more than that, then maybe you should write a wrestling story instead? 😅 | |
Sunday June 20 2021 - Stories | Bearhug stories |
It's been a while since someone last submitted a wrestling story. In an attempt to try to spice things up again and encourage new story contributions to the site, I'm giving away 10 wrestling videos that were given to me by sponsors for the next stories that will be submitted in the next three months. Do you have a source of inspiration suddenly blowing your mind? Now's your chance to share it with us. Submit your new stories by clicking here. | |
Sunday June 20 2021 - Gear | Wrestling personals |
Profiles now include a field for preferred wrestling gear. Do you usually wrestle with speedos or pro trunks? Well now, you can modify your profile and let everybody know about it. 😉 I was asked to re-introduce this gear option. I know this should have been added way before, so I'm very sorry for the delay. By the way, if you leave that gear part empty, it simply won't shot up on your profile. 🤷♂️ | |
Tuesday June 15 2021 - VirtuaRassle + Wrestling Gallery | Wrestling gallery update |
I dug up from the ashes of the previous site an old game that I thought was completely underused, but apparently, some people still play it. You'll find it in the Section Jump under the the title "VirtuaRassle". I've also added a brand new section called "Wrestling Gallery" which contains a selection of various wrestling shots from holds, maneuver and submission moves that I like from several companies. Right now, no one can add to this gallery for now. I don't intend to make uploads for this particular section available to the public because I'll be opening Pandora's box for a lot of litigation (copyright and such). It's complicated. Some images can be posted and others will annoy the heck of a corporation. You can still view and access the images, you just can't post new ones yet. Just enjoy the images for now and feel free to vote for them as well. The collection is very small, but should grow slowly, yet steadily with time. This is of course separate from the Bearhug Uploads section where it's business as usual. In here, you can still post/uploads as much as you want as long as you preserve the image quality, you don't modify the images and as long as the images are not low quality. | |
Saturday May 15 2021 - Pictionary and randomizer | Wrestling gallery update |
I've received a very nice message asking me if I could restore the pictionary of holds and the randomizer. The pictionary of holds was far from complete, but I guess many were already using as a resource. It lists a basic amount of wrestling submission holds that can be used: Pictionary: https://www.bearhugger.net/pictionary/index.html The randomizer is used by some wrestlers to determine which move they should apply next if they ran out of ideas. One would use this if he can't make up his mind on what to do next. 😂 Randomizer: https://www.bearhugger.net/pictionary/randomizer.html These are also accessible from the Section Jump page. Thank you all for taking the time to write to me in these tough times. If you guys have other pages that you were using before or would like to see again, please don't hesitate to contact me. | |
Saturday March 20 2021 - Vaccination status on wrestling profiles | Wrestling personals |
It has become a trend where wrestling networks are now giving the option to users to publicly tell other wrestlers if they are vaccinated or not. I've just added the option as well. Fear not, if you don't do anything, nothing about it will be shown on your profile. It's on a voluntarily basis if you want to include it or not. Since some users have already edited their description to mention that they have been vaccinated, I figured I would make it simpler by adding these options when you modify your profile. - Don't show anything about vaccinations on your profile (This is the default) - Not vaccinated - Vaccinated (first shot) - Vaccinated (second shot) - Vaccinated This should be pretty straightforward. The last option is for those vaccines that only require a single shot. Choosing any of the last four options will show the status on your wrestling profile. Again, the decision is all yours and it is purely optional. With the current context, I felt the need to add it because it seems to be a recurring topic and a question often asked between wrestlers for new and existing meetups. It gives to those who need it a feeling of safety. Of course, this is largely based on your honesty. 😉 | |
Thursday December 24 2020 - Happy Holidays! | BSP site news |
I'd like to wish all of you fellow wrestlers and visitors a happy holiday season. Stay safe and healthy. This year has been challenging for many of us, so let's all hope that next year, things will become better. Don't give up and keep on that wrestling fire burning in your heart. It will come a time where we can all wrestle each other again, just like the good old days. | |
Sunday November 22 2020 - Recommendation system | Wrestling personals |
It's up! The recommendation system is finally up. This technically marks the end of all major systems being finally brought back online since the failure from December of last year. It took me a full year to restore the biggest chunks... but it's finally done. There are still a few issues here and there, some missing minor upgrades and features, but aside from that, the main portion of the wrestling personals is functional, up and running. There might be a few bugs, so please do let me know if you bumped into some. So, what's new with recommendations? - All previous recommendations are now restored - You can access a wrestler's list of recommendations from a wrestler's profile or from the Control Panel once you are logged in. - You can write, edit and delete your recommendations. Note that you and your opponent must confirm each other as past opponents before you can write recommendations. That's pretty much the jest of it. Next update is the restoration of profile information fields that were previously removed: we had the "types of wrestling" and the "Looking for" field that indicates a wrestler's primary interest. A bit of tweaking is required to put these fields up to date. A blog system for each profile is also what I have in mind. I think it would increase the activity on the site. This might take me a little big longer to work on though. We'll see... | |
Friday October 2 2020 - Past opponents | Wrestling personals |
The system that manages the listing of past opponents is up. You can now:
If you don't recall how it works, it's pretty simple: if you wrestled someone on the site before, you visit their profile and you click on "Add this wrestler as a past opponent". Your opponent receives a message and confirms whether or not you guys have wrestled each other. If he confirms it, then his name will appear on your profile as a past opponent and vice versa. You can manage the listing of past opponents by clicking here. This is now also accessible from the Control Panel (once you are logged in). As a reminder, please don't use this system for cyber matches. This is meant to be used only for matches in real life because many travelers rely on this metric to meet other wrestlers when they travel. I personally took a day off to be able to re-implement this feature. I was pulling my hair off at one point trying to make it work. The next goal is to restore the recommendation system. | |
Thursday September 17 2020 - Who checked out my profile? | Wrestling personals |
A minor update that'll be significant for many: some wrestlers asked me if I could restore the feature that shows you who checked out your profile and which profiles you've checked out last. You can access this feature from the Control Panel after you have logged in. If you think another feature should get priority over others, please do let me know. I'll do whatever possible to implement it as fast as I can. Thanks! | |
Monday August 10 2020 - External Wrestling Networks | Wrestling personals |
Short and quick update: You can now add your external wrestling networks again. By that I mean sites like MeetFighters (formerly All Fighters), MenWrestler (formerly Globalfight/Vangar), Palaestra, Recon and Wrestlemen as extra links on your profile. Simply choose to modify your profile and choose to modify external networks. I also added two more: RealJock and GWP. The aggressive marketing stance on these last two made me hesitate because they somewhat make it difficult to contact other people unless you pay, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance. | |
Saturday August 1 2020 - Profile blocking and message duplication detection | Wrestling personals |
I've been asked on quite a few occasions to allow users to block each other. The world is not perfect and people often don't get along, so you can now block someone from sending you messages. To block an user, simply visit their profile, scroll down and you should see a link that says "Block this user". Click on it to block him. Simple as that. If you already received a message from this user, you can also scroll down your conversation with the wrestler and click on "Block this user". Please note that the mechanics of blocking someone is now slightly different: previously, if you blocked someone, you could still send him messages. However, this is a bit illogical. If you decide to block someone, the system will now block messages in both ways (both sending to this wrestler and receiving from this wrestler). If you absolutely want to send a message to someone that you have blocked, then you will have to unblock him first. Doh. As for message duplication, users often love to hit the "Back" button on their browsers and this can cause the messaging system to re-send messages. People have been receiving the same message several times, so a measure was put into place to hopefully eradicate this problem. Just let me know if you still see the issue. Lastly, if you report abuse on someone and I feel that it's just a petty bickering, I will simply block both users from sending messages. Profile deletion is usually reserved for heavier offenses such as mass spamming and unauthorized use of someone else's image. This is however not set into stone. | |
Tuesday July 21 2020 - New story from KC | Bearhug stories |
I figured I should give a shout out since we finally have our first story submission since the site has been put back online. KC (id 13877) kindly shares a story entitled "Roommate story". Have a look and please this author a nice rating if you enjoyed it. As such, this is a friendly remember that you can submit your own stories or consult the existing list. | |
Sunday June 21 2020 - Report system + submissions now open | BSP site news |
Despite the slight pause announced last month, I was still able to add in a couple of features: Wrestling Personals - Profiles and messages can now be reported when there's a problem. You can use this to both report an issue or a bug with the site or to report abuse issue such as inappropriate content or unauthorized use of someone else's pictures. Just look for "Report an issue with this profile". - In the case of messages, simply scroll all the way down when viewing messages and you'll be able to report those who sent you spam or those who behaved improperly. Bearhug Uploads - New bearhug uploads can now be added. - You can now jump to a specific page when consulting the list of All Uploads. Bearhug Database - You can now create new entries. - You can now submit new stories. Wrestling Matches - You can now add and view Thumbs up for each match. - You can now add and view comments. - The listing of all matches now provides more information. - Quick View is now enabled (This allows users to see every pages and photos of a match in a single page). Please report any bugs you find by contacting me. I'll make sure that you are greatly rewarded for your time and effort. | |
Sunday May 24 2020 - On pause | BSP site news |
It's almost the end of the month and I don't have anything new updates to post. In fact, site updates will be on pause for the next 3 months. Things have been a bit busy in my personal life and I'll need to take care of a few stuff before I can continue working on the site. Rest assured, once everything is back to normal, updates will resume. My goal is still to improve the site, making it a friendlier and better experience for everyone. As to what comes next for the wrestling personals, there is still the past opponent system I need to add followed by a report abuse UI. Uploads, entries and stories still cannot be added yet, but they are next down the priority lane. | |
Sunday April 19 2020 - E-mail notification | BSP site news |
I was supposed to work on the listing for past opponent, but someone contacted me to enable something that is a little bit more important: e-mail notification. Wrestling Personals - E-mail notification settings: You can set your profile to send: * no e-mails, * one e-mail per day * or one e-mail per message. This setting can be updated by modifying your profile. - An icon for messages that you have not read yet now appears on the top header Bearhug Uploads - YouTube videos are now shown directly underneath the image (if the bearhug has a video associated to it) - Comments can now be added to uploads Links - Links can now be added - Broken links are now hidden by default, but you can toggle them on to see them anyway - Links can be reported as broken or active - Comments can now be added to links Database - Comments can now be added to individual database entries or stories - An eye icon now shows up if you need to log in to view a particular entry | |
Wednesday March 25 2020 - Wrestling Match Section | Wrestling matches |
The match section is finally up and running again. Access is very limited. It's read-only, meaning that owners cannot modify their matches right now and visitors can't post their comments or put a thumbs up yet... A lot of things are also still broken, but I'm still working on it. It was important for me to just bring the main portion up because I know this section means a lot to some of the users who worked hours and days on this. | |
Saturday March 21 2020 - Favorites and admirers | Wrestling personals |
The favorites and admirers system is now back. In other words, you can now: - View all your favorites - View all your admirers - Add a wrestler to your favorites - Remove a wrestler from your favorites - Access your favorites from the Control Panel The next thing I'll be working on is the restoration of the Past Opponent and the Recommendation system. | |
Friday March 20 2020 - Minor updates | BSP site news |
Here is the listing of updates for the lesser used sections of the site: Bearhug Uploads - Thumbnails can be enlarged by hovering your mouse on them - Related uploads are now shown. Images are linked together if they have a shared link, database entry or product name. - Uploads with the lock type "Vote" can now be viewed. You just need to vote on the minimum amount requested. Database - Related bearhug uploads are now shown. Links - Related bearhug uploads are now shown. - YouTube videos are now shown directly and linkification of timestamps is now supported. You can go the Section Jump to land to those respective pages and experiment with the features. If you do find any bugs, please let me know. | |
Wednesday March 11 2020 - Registration open! | Wrestling personals |
Profile registration is finally open. New profiles can now be created. There might still be a few minor issues, but I am ironing them out as fast I can. If you wish to create a profile, try this link: https://www.bearhugger.net/profile/register.php Other minor upgrades include a notification on log in when you get new messages and the ability to delete individual sent and received messages when viewing your conversations. The next projected updates will be the re-implementation of favorites and admirers, followed closely by the recommendation system. | |
Sunday March 8 2020 - Links | Links |
Very minor update: Links are now back online. For now, you can only search, view and browse links. You can also vote on them, but you won't be able to add new ones yet. I didn't had time to work on profile registration this week-end. However, there's an upcoming Easter week-end where my workplace is giving me two days off, so hopefully, I'll be able to work on it during that time. | |
Sunday March 1 2020 - More standard stuff | Wrestling personals |
You can now do the following things to your wrestling profile: - Change e-mail address - Change password - Disable your profile - Delete your profile Should you choose to delete your profile, you will still be able to re-activate it in the next 6 months. The next thing I will tackle is registration. | |
Monday February 24 2020 - Picture management ready | Wrestling personals |
You can now upload new pictures to your profile. Yay! Note that I now support both JPG and PNG file formats. You can also edit existing pictures. By editing, I just mean sorting them in the right order, removing the ones you no longer like, pick the picture you want to set as your primary picture and finally, decide if your main picture should randomly rotate with the other images in your gallery. I've also added more options to edit when you modify your profile: orientation, sport level and homepages can now be edited. Note that orientation and sport level are only shown when users are logged in. I'm thinking that it's information that is a bit private and should only be shown to other members of the site rather than the general public. My next projected upgrades are: password change and e-mail change. E-mail change will be a tough one because I will now require users to verify their e-mail first before doing the change. I honestly get too many fake e-mail changes. That being said, when I will get to the part where people can register again, I will also require registration e-mails to be validated first because I see a lot of people enter typos in their e-mail addresses. | |
Sunday February 16 2020 - Locations and password request + db skeleton | BSP site news |
Here is what's new today for each section: Wrestling Personals - Profile locations can now be edited - Passwords can be requested if you forgot your password Uploads - Ratings can now be added and changed - Product links have been restored Database - Main skeleton restored: search and view entries, read stories, rate them I know progress has been a bit slow. Still, I need to take a little break next week-end. | |
Saturday February 8 2020 - Profile modifications... finally. | Wrestling personals |
Here's what new this week for the Wrestling Personals: - You can now edit your profile. (Editing is still limited: you can't edit e-mail and location yet, but things like age, description, name, weight, height can be modified) - Multi-deletion of messages is now supported. My next objective is to work on editing of location (city, state, country) and of e-mail addresses. For uploads, the only thing I added was the hit counter. Sorry, I'll try to have the voting system and the upload of new images ready. | |
Saturday February 1 2020 - A few more tweaks and the barebone of bearhug uploads | Wrestling personals |
So during the week, I added a few more functionalities to the Wrestling Personals: - I added access to the picture gallery of each wrestler. - E-mails are now properly displayed depending on the setting you chose (hide from everyone, show to everyone, show only to members or show only to favorites) - I added buttons to go to the next and previous pages for messages, profile results and threaded conversations. - I fixed the login date calculations which were messed up earlier because of timezones. I'm still using Eastern time, so it's not really fair for other people in other time zones. I'll eventually have a setting where you can set your own time zone in the future. Yes, I still need to work on profile modification, picture management, picture uploads for your profiles, profile creation, password request and profile deletion. This is usually the bigger chunk that is highly affected by security, so I expect these to take quite some time before they are finalized. After that, there's still the favorite/admirers and recommendation system I need to restore. An Advanced Search is also needed and that one is bigger than anything else ;) For now, if you use the standard quick search, you can put either the name OR the city OR the state OR the country OR a word in the user's profile. It's better to work with just one word. Don't put several things at once or else the search will return nothing. This is not Google :P For those who missed the Bearhug Uploads, I added the barebone search and re-uploaded the standard non-locked images. More will come soon. I'm working as fast I can :) | |
Sunday January 26 2020 - Limited access to profiles | Wrestling personals |
Yes, I'm still alive. I know it's been a month. I've been a bit busy lately and I had to reset the site, so all I could make available are a couple of things: - Login and logout - Read and send messages - View profiles (only some information show up - I'm still working on showing the rest - Delete messages - Search profiles The multi delete does not work yet. I'm trying as hard as I can to bring the site online, so please be patient with me. You can try to log in by clicking here. Please report any issues you find by sending them to bearhug_@hotmail.com. | |