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All good things have an end: the Wrestlefest is over and I am back in Montreal. Most items pending approval should now be processed. I stayed a total of 6 days in NYC (3 of which were part of the Wrestlefest) and I had some amazing wrestling action in around 20 matches. Day 1 (Sunday Feb 20) A mistake I made this year is that I reserved quite some time for locals from NYC rather than reserving it for people who are registered for the Wrestlefest event. Wrestlers that come to the fest for the event are pretty much reliable and you are almost guaranteed a match, whereas when you set up a match with locals, you do get a few excuses and some would end up canceling the match against you. Anyway, I was able to get 5 matches on Day 1:
As you can see, I've scheduled my submission matches in the morning, because they tend to drain all the energy from you. With pro fantasy matches in the evening, I wouldn't be too exhausted. Total matches on day 1 (Sunday): 5 Matches with locals: 50% (2 out of 4 matches) (2 matches canceled) Matches with Wrestlefesters: 100% (3 out of 3 matches) Day 2 (Monday Feb 21) The official Wrestlefest event actually started on monday and this is when people will start swarming in the hotel. The festers are in top notch shape so they'll wrestle to their full strength. ![]() On my side, I started to feel a bit of pain on my shoulders.. they were slightly sore from the matches I had yesterday. I did not plan any open room events, but I think information circulated incorrectly and I ended up holding anyway a semi-open room event because wrestlers were showing up and I was not going to make them double-back and go home. To clarify, an open room event is when any wrestlers can walk in the room and wrestle anyone. Yes, these matches are public, but you can see anyway from my schedule that the majority of my matches were private. So, I had 4 matches + 3 small matches in the semi-open room.
Yea, I know, with NickZ (id 3023), I would have done an all-out submission match, but I have wrestled him many times previously and I just cannot beat him with his very high-level of experience, so I always tone down myself to light submission to avoid draining all my stamina on him and having nothing left for every other wrestlers.
Total matches on day 2 (Monday): 4 + 3 small semi-open room matches Matches with locals: 0% (0 out of 1 match) (1 canceled match) Matches with Wrestlefesters: 80% (4 out of 5 matches) (1 no-show) Day 3 (Tuesday Feb 22) Ooof.. bruises and scars and sore muscles... I was starting to be quite a bit worried because I still have 3 more days in front of me. The pain on my right shoulder intensified and was on occasion particularly hard to bear. Still, I had enough energy preserved to face the matches that were scheduled.
I've scheduled on Tuesday an official open room and I was pretty happy with the turnout. There were a total of 9 people showing up and I had a match with 6 of them. Since the mattress was shared among wrestlers, most matches between wrestlers lasted between 5-15 minutes to leave the chance to other people to wrestle.
Total matches on day 3 (Tuesday): 5 + 6 small open-room matches Matches with locals: No matches scheduled with locals Matches with Wrestlefesters: 100% (5 out of 5 matches) Day 4 (Wednesday Feb 23) Things started to become slow on Wednesday: it was sort of a recovery day because the projected matches that were scheduled were light submission and pro fantasy. I also had two cancellations that day that gave me some extra time to rest and nap... A note of interest: I finally had a match with the organizer of the Wrestlefest: Brawl_mart. Giant Kudos to this guy, because without him, there wouldn't be this wonderful event. And actually, he and JackBouvier are co-hosts for the event.
I was a bit dissapointed by the turnout of the open room, but I can't complain because I was able to wrestle DCBearWrestler (id 2843), a cute, handsome and dreamy bear. ![]()
Total matches on day 4 (Wednesday): 3 + 4 small open-room matches Matches with locals: 0% (0 out of 1 match) (1 match canceled) Matches with Wrestlefesters: 80% (4 out of 5 matches) (1 match canceled) Day 5 (Thursday Feb 24) The fest is technically over, but I stayed in New York for two extra days to meet with locals and to do a bit of sightseeing.
Total matches on day 5 (Thursday): 4 Matches with locals: 67% (2 out of 3 matches) (1 match canceled) Matches with Wrestlefesters: 80% (4 out of 5 matches) (1 no-show) Day 6 (Friday Feb 25) Humm.. I think I will remember this day as the cancellation day. I still ended up having 2 matches. I was however scheduled to have 5 matches.
Total matches on day 6 (Friday): 2 Matches with locals: 50% (1 out of 2 matches) (1 no-show) Matches with Wrestlefesters: 33% (1 out of 3 matches) (1 canceled, 1 no-show) So, why am I laying out so much information about these events? Well, I want to be able to look back in the future and re-read this and remember the good time I had wrestling all of these great guys. I want these memories to remain in my heart forever. ![]() Compared to last year, I had a bit more matches. Estimated attendance: ~51 My total amount of matches: 22 + 13 small open room mini-matches Amount of different wrestlers I wrestled: 26 (26/39: 67%). Amount of matches from planned over total planned matches: 19/32 (60%) Match type distribution: 20% Pro Fantasy, 80% Submission Official Wrestlefest website: http://hashbock.com/wrestlefest/ | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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