





[0] Chance to attack in a lock up

[1] Chances to apply the bearhug

[2] Chances to apply the full nelson

[3] Chances to apply the camel clutch

[4] Chances to apply the sleeper

[5] Chances to apply the rack

[0] %

[1] % 10

[2] % 7

[3] % 3

[4] % 4

[5] % 5

Game options

Start at level:


Display increase in score
Display changes in energy
Disable pictures
Disable energy gauges
Disable battle text & history

Note: You will need to end your current game to be able
to set the difficulty or the starting level.
All other options can be set at anytime during the game.

If you are a first time player, it is recommended
that you do set the difficulty to easy.

Battle history

Prefix code: [ Message number | Your Energy | Opponent Energy ] Actual message

Log latest message at the top
Log latest message at the bottom

Include message number
Include energy information


VirtuaRassle - v.1.27

All rights reserved 2004-2007

Please do not copy, reuse or redistribute Javascript code without my permission
