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| | Loserboy (id 111)
5'4", 155 lbs
Montreal, Quebec
Canada | Edina (id 1652)
6'5", 285 lbs
Napes , Florida
USA | Edina challenges Loserboy to a wrestling match in an attempt to show he is the better heel of them all.
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| | Edina gives no mercy to his opponents. To show off his strength, Edina easily grabs Loserboy and hoists him up in a bearhug.
Sensing trouble knocking at his doorsteps, Loserboy attempts to resist the bearhug with all his might, but he can feel the power of Edina's powerful crush, squeezing him gradually to submission while slowly draining his strength. |
Loserboy feels that he can't stay too long in Edina's grip. The longest he stays, the weaker he becomes.
As Edina tightens his lock, Loserboy feels a deep pressure in his back and raises his arms while growling in pain. |
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| | To show his good skills, Edina flips Loserboy around and grabs him in an inverted bearhug.
Loserboy feels that he is in a worst position than before, being crushed beyond his beliefs on top of being humiliated upside down. |
But it doesn't end there. Edina has lots of other holds he'd like to experiment on Loserboy.
One of those is a variant of the crucifix armbar, stretching both Loserboy's arms and back. Loserboy has never been in this hold before, but he knows enough now to never want to be caught in it ever again. |
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