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[ Find more ]     Title:Sir bearhugs Spider-Man
Category:Lifted frontal bearhug
Sub-category:Bearhug in comic books
Rating:7.50 (14 votes)
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Related content: Spectacular Spider-Man, The [1998] (id 1877)
Related content rating:9.00 [ Change ] (+20 views)

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Related Entry:Spectacular Spider-Man, The [1998] (id 1877)

Entry Description:
A big, tall, muscle-bound man named ’Sir’ grabs hold of Spidey - shirtless - and restrains him until Dr. Junas ”Angst” Mueller injects the wall-crawler unconscious.

Bearhug appears near end of 6th paragraph of Review.

Related Uploads:

Dimensions (width x height):1000 x 1545     (Shrunken size: 640 x 989)
File size:280 KB (0.27 MB)
Creation date:2012-12-24
MD5sum signature:d3b901defd2929f263c6416de8f3fa10

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