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[ Find more ]     Title:"He's . . . Crushing me... !"
Category:Lifted frontal bearhug
Sub-category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Rating:6.86 (28 votes)
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Related content: Spider-Man [November 16, 1996] (id 347)
Related content rating:8.00 [ Change ] (+20 views)

I'd like this shot more if Spidey's arms were pinned to his side in the Kingpin's arms.


Related Entry:Spider-Man [November 16, 1996] (id 347)

Entry Description:
Kingpin says �The only one who will go �ka-boom� is you! I am going to break you in two!� as he begins to grab and bearhug Spider-man.

Link #1 - (Best Quality) after 12:21
Link #3 - at 2:36
Link #4 - at 5:25 (video is stretched to sides)

Related Uploads:

Uploader:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

Dimensions (width x height):720 x 480
File size:63 KB (0.06 MB)
Creation date:2008-08-17
Modification date:2010-10-21
Last edited by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)
MD5sum signature:8c8df597da41343ff8ac297214b166b9

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