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Title:Tribute to Moondog Rex
Sub-Category:In this corner
Rating:7.50 (4 votes)
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Related Content: WWF Old School: Madison Square Garden (MSG) (id 3105)

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Who doesn't like a rugged bushy caveman bear that still carries a bone from parts unknown? 😅

... and who loves running around bear hugging other men? 😂

Main Link:
Related Entry:WWF Old School: Madison Square Garden (MSG) (id 3105)

Entry Description:
Three (!) bearhugs in this show.

Swede Hanson bearhugs Cowboy Bob Orton
Moondog Rex bearhugs Barry Windham
Ken Patera bearhugs David Sammartino

The Moondog vs Windham match is also featured on WWF Tuesday Night Titans (TNT) on December 18, 1984

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Dimensions (width x height):1280 x 720     (Shrunken size: 655 x 369)
File size:81 KB (0.08 MB)
Creation date:2022-07-03
Modification date:2022-07-20

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