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Friday April 21 2017 - Loserboy vs Elrac: Part 3 | Scenarios | |
I have to admit that I am not too happy how this one turned out. There are just days where I am lacking the inspiration to write up a scenario. It's also because the sets I do with Elrac (id 692) are often identical. In any case, I need to take the initiative to suggest him different moves and a different scenario. I'm thinking some ring action will probably help. I am due for a match with him and we've been in contact recently to make that happen. The match was held back in April 2012, so I am to blame for not following up for almost 5 years. You can see the final outcome in Match ID 328. The pic below was unused because I couldn't fit it anywhere in the story. In the least, you can see the progress starting from Chapter 1 with Elrac and onwards. That particular one was held in 2008 where I was still camera shy and I was still wearing those wrestling masks. In my queue, here is the order I've pre-determined for my next scenario write-ups. The photos are ready, I just need to edit them, place them and write something (...and hopefully, I do this when I have better inspiration). Priority goes to wrestlers where I haven't written up any chapters yet between me and them. - Loserboy vs BeastMtl (id 10067) - Loserboy vs CanWrestle (id 9693) - Loserboy vs Fun4Us (id 8822) - Loserboy vs Marty (id 6169) (Chapter 2) - Loserboy vs JobberBoy (id 482) (Chapter 3) [JobberBoy wrote chapters 1 and 2] - Loserboy vs Vicious (id 5128) (Chapter 2) - Loserboy vs EvilDark (id 1077) (Chapter 5) | ||
Blog ID 125 |