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Saturday August 12 2017 - 2 small videos: Chinlock and EvilDarkVideo clips
I added 2 small videos: Clip ID 315 and Clip ID 316. I salvaged these while I was doing a cleanup a few days ago. If you'd see the state of how I organize things in my external hard drives, it's actually messier than my room. You can't find anything.

These clips feature the Chinlock (id 7994) and EvilDark (id 111) in a headlock and a head scissors respectively. I hope you guys will enjoy them.

Speaking of Chinlock, I remember him been very pro-oriented. He knew how to apply them like the guys on TV. He recorded a video when I came to visit him back in 2013 and he added a track where you'd hear the audience cheer or boo depending on what moves were been applied. He was pretty dedicated and he wanted the match to look like the ol' school wrestling we had. For me, it felt like the WCW/WWF-style between 1985 and 1995. Then again, I grew up with this, so let's just say that I was ecstatic to see his rendering or his view of the match. For him, he marked our video with ASW as a reference to All Star Wrestling which had its broadcasting aired between 1960 and 1990. It's still a small generation gap. We grew on different things, wrestling styles and storylines were different between those decades, but it's still much better than the crap we get on TV nowadays.

Blog ID 145