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Wednesday August 30 2017 - Fun4Us vs LoserboyScenarios
A new match (or scenario) has been made available: Fun4Us vs Loserboy.

I didn't had to do anything: Fun4Us (id 8822) took matters with his own bare hands and came up with the perfect recipe to defeat me.... oops, spoilers! Ha ha ha, it's not as if you weren't expecting it anyway.

You can see the combined weight of his work in Match ID 334. So yes, full credit goes to him for assembling the photos together, writing up a story to go with them and investing all the time needed to do this (which is a lot because I can tell by experience with all the matches I've been writing in the past).

I'll include a few pics here, but I think he went and posted at least one instance of each of the different moves we took together except for the few unusable ones. Please do take the time to put a little thumbs up on this match to show Fun4Us your appreciation of his work.

The two images below shows his versatility and his knowledge of wrestling moves, since I am rarely caught in these: The Hangman and The Crucifix.

Fun4Us can also show his sheer power by applying the Single Shoulder Backbreaker... also known as the Hanging Backbreaker. There are so many names actually. Fun4Us refers to this one as OTS or an Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker.

This one is very close to the Loserboy Lock: it's a Dragon Sleeper with Groin Claw combo. The only thing missing from it is actually a Nip Bite to complete the combo.

Last, but not least, this one was more of an experimental move. While we couldn't figure how to follow up this hold, Fun4Us simply grabbed me... so yeah, this one is not part of the match.

That's it for now. We're currently discussing about meeting next year for maybe an event in the states, but that's still a long way ahead.

Blog ID 148