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Wednesday October 11 2017 - Check-inSome pictures
I've been a wee bit quiet lately. I was supposed to go to Quebec city last week-end to meet EvilDark (id 1077) again, but I had to cancel due to a family emergency.

Nevertheless, when things got back a bit calmer and smoother on Monday, I took these pics before shaving my head and beard shorter... shortly afterwards. I admit that this is the longest hair and beard I've had in a while. They are almost as long to make a Mohawk cut on my head. I know.. I look like a bum this way, but it makes both a great heel or jobber look, depends of course how you look at it.

This is my usual full of myself stance where I'm the jobber who thinks that he is all that great... only to be shown a humiliating defeat a few minutes after. Or you know, for some other people, this is my heel stance where I'll be showing you who's the boss in an upcoming match in a ring near you...

You can almost make a "You there... come over here" with the following two pics:

Finally, here's another typical cliché fighting stance.

I've had this "speedo" that I mostly used in competitive submission matches for a while now... They are still my favorite.

I have NOT been watching myself lately. I'll need to be careful, because I'm growing a bigger belly than usual. A combination of spending more time at work lately and being lazy are small contributing factors that can end up having a big impact on the long term.

I used to do simple things only at work, being just a software tester. Nowadays, I'm coding as well and it takes a lot of my mind at the end of the day. I just want to relax afterwards. Hopefully, things will stabilize and I will find a proper balance between work, family, resting, hobbies, wrestling and some exercise in between.

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