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Monday October 29 2018 - SamuraiWrestler + BenRecent matches
SamuraiWrestler (id 10716) is technically a regular now. I think we had 6 matches in the past 3 years. It's not that much, but we've known each other well enough to recall quickly our strengths and weaknesses. It didn't take me long to determine that he still can't take my scissors.

I started taunting him like how a past wrestler taught me:

SamuraiWrestler: "Your legs are dangerous!"

Loserboy: "Not at all. My legs are harmless. I am harmless like a sheep."

SamuraiWrestler: "Yeah, right!"

And guess what? He needed to update his profile pic, so I finally took my camera... but I forgot my tripod. We had to improvise a bit, but lucky for us, putting it on the table and adding a few random knickknacks to adjust the height was good enough.

So, what you'll get today is the usual, because I suck at coming up with new holds.

My evenings are never complete without breaking someone's back.

Behold my worthless bearhug that does no damage!

He told me though he loves red gear. So I guess I should wear this red trunk again in my future match with him.

It's great that business brings SamuraiWrestler to town. Apparently, he's coming back next month again for additional business matters. Silly me though, I don't recall what is his work domain.

He was also very nice and gave me this wrestling mask. I guess he doesn't like it anymore. Hey, I'll take anything to grow my private wrestling collection.

Please don't mind the speedo in the back... I just washed and hanged it on the shower cord in the back... Don't mind either my Skynet t-shirt.. or the silly face I'm making.

The low quality of the picture comes from the camera of my tablet. It's really not meant to take pictures.

Usually, I try not to make matches with people who don't have a profile pic. I however corresponded with Ben (id 4427) since a little while now, and sometimes, you can get a pulse on whether or not you can trust the person on the other end. I took a chance and we've decided to meet up for a match anyway.

Ben considers himself a beginner, but he seems to know a bit what he's doing. He mentions that he watches a lot of the stuff online... you know, BG videos and Naked Kombat stuff. I don't consider the latter much as wrestling, but meh... to each their tastes.

We did a bit of light submission and I tried to be passive with him, so that he can experiment on some of the holds. I toned it down a bit as I noticed he'd put a lot of intensity in holds where you don't need to apply that much strength, exhausting himself quickly. I explained to him that he'll learn with time and experience and that he'll quickly understand and gauge the pressure he needs to apply in his maneuvers. I told him that the holds I applied on him are borrowed from the different wrestlers I have came across.

I was a bit mean and I was also being a bit of a showoff. If I ever caught him in my body scissors, I would just put my arms behind my head since there's no need for me to use my arms. We switched a bit to pro because he really loved the rack and he asked me if I could put him in it... twice. Headscissors also seems to be his cup of tea, as well as schoolboy pins. We ended up limiting ourselves to one hour since he needs to take it easy as a beginner. Hopefully, we'll have a rematch in the future.

Blog ID 207