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Thursday November 29 2018 - Cubby in Orlando | Recent matches | ||||
My time is Orlando was limited because that trip was reserved for family. I however managed to slip in a single match with a cute fellow cub who goes under the name of Cubby (id 4578). He was able to put time aside for me and he drove 2 hours to get to my hotel in Kissimmee, Florida (close to Orlando). Looking at the map, I realized afterwards that it is quite a drive since he is from Gainesville. Yet, Cubby was very nice to take the initiative and go all the way. When he appeared in front of my door, I knew I was in for a very good time. Wow, what can i say about Cubby? He is perhaps the cutest, most handsome and nicest cub I've ever met. Possibly, the youngest too (he's 21). *blush* We started with submission wrestling and gradually switched to promission. We eventually also tried pro fantasy with a touch of superhero/villain. This is one of the rare occasions I can do this style because not that many wrestlers are into this variation of wrestling. Cubby was very nice to be verbal about it by sharing to me that he enjoyed the superhero matches I've posted. That made it easier for both of us to have an even better session. I've always said that communication is the biggest problem between two wrestlers when they wrestle each other for the first time. Well, you wouldn't have that problem with Cubby. He'll share his styles, understand deeper your liking for it and incrementally work his way from there. I really felt comfortable sharing my thoughts with him. For example, we've elaborated on the subtle things we like about wrestling. We know that some pro moves on TV are really just for show: you could tell which moves are really painful and which ones would do nothing at all. You would experiment this by trying them on your opponent (despite the TV saying not to try it at home). Yet, no matter the hold, the opponent would always be in pain. It has to come a point that I would imagine that a wrestler could just touch his opponent's shoulder and he would scream in pain. As such, it became a fantasy for me to see wrestlers apply unorthodox moves like perhaps the nipple squeezer with the groin claw and an opponent would still sell it... and even pretend that he cannot do anything about it. That he is stuck. Caught in a move that he cannot escape. In reality, is the opponent really stuck in this hold, or does he just wants (or loves) to be caught in this hold? Mix this with superhero/villain scenarios, one could also consider this as a kryptonite or a way to drain away your powers. Cubby and I seemed to agree on several elements of these scenarios. Cubby told me that he often gets to be the heel, so I've decided to turn the tables around by trying to be heel instead. He would try to escape or to fight back, but I would often ignore it or make it sound that his attempts to escape are all but useless and futile. It seemed to me that he was enjoying being the jobber. I offered to rack Cubby since he told me he has never been racked before. Sweet! I get to be his first racker! He wasn't really comfortable at first since he doesn't usually get lifted, but honestly, he was very light for me and cooperative. We tried it kneeling down and then I captured it standing up. By the way, Cubby had no trouble re-applying the rack back at me. Fast learner and efficient. He's definitely a natural! You can see here that Cubby is a master in the art of applying boston crabs! Look at him though: that beard he has is to melt for... and that cute face. He told me that he can't grow a mustache to go with it. I think with time it will grow itself naturally. He shouldn't worry about it... And he's cute the way he is anyway. I rarely ever get to do this rare "You are mine" hold. It didn't seem to bother Cubby at all. In fact, I believe it's one good way to drain him from his superpowers, to render him powerless, making it easier for me to follow up on other... humiliating holds. I was showing one of my biggest grins in this picture, while Cubby was selling it as one of the most punishing holds he has ever endured. I definitely love his "S" wrestling gear. It suits him well and it makes it looks like that I am perhaps dealing with Super Cubby! An invincible wrestler, but this groin hold is his only weakness! His kryptonite! I now know the secret to defeat this cute cub! Mwahahahhaha! Since I was traveling light and only brought carry-on luggage in Florida, I didn't bring my tripod and had to improvise again with Do-It-Youself makeshifts stands. The pics didn't turn bad after all. Thank goodness. I told Cubby I was intimidated by his age since he is much younger than I am. He told me he'd wrestle anybody as long as he is not afraid to hurt you when he puts you into a hold. He's very open. He spoke to me about his life and his family. He went through a lot and he is very mature for his age. He's most probably more mature and more responsible than me. Things seem to brighten up for him at the time being and he's pursuing a career that has a promising future. His schedule is very busy and he studies as much as he works, which makes me realize that he really goes out of the way to make his matches happen. I am very thankful for that. It shows great personality traits in Cubby. I offered him to stay the night, but he had to go back. I obviously had to give him a big warm cub hug. But yeah... I would definitely return to Florida to wrestle with him again. Cubby is really an awesome wrestler and an even better person. As for the rest of my stay in Kissimmee/Orlando, I am more the Universal Studios/Harry Potter type of guy rather than a human caught by a mouse trap (Disney). I spent most of my time in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley or with Transformers, Jurassic Park and X-Men, capturing various clichés. Yeah, I know, it's very touristy and Universal is still a mouse trap, so I'll spare you the details. I'll just share one cliché which I am very happy about: I caught this during the nightly 6 pm Hogwarts light show right when they shot the fireworks. It's a bit sad that this came from my cell phone camera (LG G4) and the resolution/quality isn't really to die for. But meh, it works and the pictures are still fine. The pixelation you see when you get close to the image makes me wanna cry though... Okay... I'll also include this one last shot in front of The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Luckily, I didn't buy any of their 50$ wands! I did regret not taking a picture with Wolverine. I was thinking of extending my pinky and my index on both hands (no, not the middle fingers) to imitate his claws while I pose beside him. But you know what? I can always do this another year. Universal had a few big cranes behind Diagon Alley: they were building what seems to be a new extension for the Harry Potter theme parks (perhaps the Fantastic Beast franchise). So, I'd imagine I would be due to come back very soon. Honestly though, I'd come back more for Cubby than for the theme parks. | |||||
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