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Sunday March 22 2020 - Two head scissors and two racksVideo clips
While I was updating the site, I took a little break now and then to send a few messages to wrestlers. One of them was telling me that he loves head scissors, especially triangle head scissors (or figure-four head scissors).

That made me realize that I actually don't have that many head scissor videos. I actually had only two and they were locked, so I added 2 more.

In [ Clip ID 393 ], you get to see the Mighty Suggs (id 3009) demonstrate the power of his python thighs when he squeezes them together. Don't believe him when he says he lost some strength, because they pack a mean and powerful punch. You'll see a vein popping up near my forehead that clearly indicates that I'm trying my best not to submit.

Next up, I have a triangle head scissors (also known as a figure-four head scissors) that I applied on EvilDark (id 1077) in [ Clip ID 392 ]. It gradually shifts into a regular rear head scissors afterwards.

There's a repeat rack (or a rack round 2) from The Crusher (id 1228). He personally chose the mask, but it was a cheap one so it kinda shifted right while he was racking me.

He is also demonstrating his power by squatting me while racking me at the same time... You'll find this secret clip under [ Clip ID 391 ], but you will have to vote on at least 40 of the other clips to access this one.

Also, if you missed it, I silently uploaded about 3 weeks ago a rack with Vicious under [ Clip ID 390 ].

I fixed up all the locked clips requirements properly. You shouldn't be getting any spurious error messages anymore. Therefore, some of the clip will require that you unlock by voting on pics and other ones can only be unlocked by voting on clips. Simply put, just follow the instructions that appears on your screen when a clip is locked.

Blog ID 286