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Tuesday November 10 2020 - Torture racking time!Racks
I've been fighting with a ittle shoulder pain that flares now and then... it unfortunately means that I need to use the computer less often because it's that "hold-the-mouse" position that seems to make it worse. In the meantime, I can post these torture racks for you guys while I wait for my shoulder to naturally heal through regular exercises.

This rack down below a bit of a cheat. It comes from my match with The Champ which you can access through Match ID 37. The Champ himself took pro training classes for a couple of years. He is now retired, but I will always remember fondly my matches with him.

Size difference is one of my major weakness: It's convincing and fun to see a large guy racks a smaller guy. You can also access this one online through Match ID 11. Curiously, I think I've never written his weight down because in his case, it was changing fast.

The best racks visually are in the ring... probably would help if there was some spotlights too, but I should stop whining. This one shows the Great EvilDark (id 1077) caught in the rack, unable to escape!

Finally, we have the one and only MustangCowboy (id 11699) in trouble! Bent over in a deadly submission, MustangCowboy fights on and refuses to give up! We took this quite a while ago, but he was a bit reluctant of posting any images that shows his face. Then suddenly, he recently changed his mind and asked me if I can post them.

Racks aside, I am lucky to say that I have been wrestling lately on almost a weekly basis. Trust is the key: in these tough and dark times, find someone you can trust and keep your wrestling fire running as much as you can.

Blog ID 302