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Friday September 10 2021 - Boxing glovesGear
I occasionally have request for boxing.. just general query, but no matches. Mind you, I never done any boxing before aside from giving someone some gut punching or receiving some gut punches. I suppose that doesn't really count since a real boxing match requires moving around the ring, putting your guard up and fighting your way... Anyhow, the gloves do make good pictures though. 😅💦

I'm combining here some kneepads with just some regular white briefs for an experiment. I don't think it looks bad at all.

I do have a contender branded boxing shorts that give you the menacing boxing look.

The fighting stance makes it even more menacing!

In the end, if you want to cool and tone down the tension, you can take a picture like this smiling while crossing your arms wearing boxing gloves. 😂

Truth be told, I had to get rid of these boxing gloves because I didn't store them properly. Over time, the leather chipped away and they ended up being unusable. I need to get a new pair.

I think I took these pics 2 years ago in 2019.

I'm gonna add one last one with my MMA gloves for good measure. These ones are still intact and this pic is on my profile since at least two years, I think. It's still one of my favorites. It's the menacing look that scares away people.... lol.

Blog ID 315