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Tuesday December 1 2015 - Another busy week-endRecent matches
Last week-end was another busy week, having the place for myself (my roommate is still away this week), I managed to get Canwrestle (id 9693) and Phil_74 (id 5843) on saturday and I managed to get Eliah (id 10594) on sunday.

Both Eliah and CanWrestle have BJJ experience, which makes wrestling them quite a challenge. My tolerance to pain helps a bit against CanWrestle so I can maybe get a bit more taps than he does on me, but in the case of Eliah, he clearly outranks me because of weight and skill.

I did manage to survive the week-end without any injuries though. Woohoo! Usually, people with BJJ or martial arts experience know how to wrestle well without harming their opponent, which is always a great plus.

Blog ID 45