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Saturday April 2 2016 - World Autism Awareness DayPassion for wrestling
So today is World Autism Awareness Day.

It reminds me that I met not too long ago a very great wrestler. He was stronger than I am, a lot more skillful and technical in terms of wrestling skills... in fact, he dedicated a lot of his life to wrestling. I'd say... probably more than I do and more than I ever will. I've known him for several years and he recently shared to me that he has autism. Albeit... a cured and now almost invisible condition of autism.

When he was young, he was bullied a lot because of his condition, he was isolated and he was violent because of his constant exposure to bullying. He later discovered wrestling as a way to control his anger. And today.. he can integrate society very well without people noticing that he has any kind of condition. I was very surprised myself because he doesn't seem at all like someone who has autism.

By now putting it and evaluating it into focus, I'd say I'd consider him almost an autistic person of the savant type considering his knowledge. But I admit it is often a misconception to think that most people affected by autism have also the savant skill... a misconception probably reinforced by the "Rain Man" movie. I'm saying this because this wrestler has knowledge that makes him needed in so many places and he is so much in big demand for important and large systems and networks. I obviously can't give more details on his job, expertise or skills.

I remember a story my mom once told me where a father had 3 kids that constantly fought against each other. The father placed all 3 of them into martial arts classes and since then, all 3 of them had stopped fighting. Fighting whether it is wrestling, karate, martial arts, is also about respecting your opponent, protecting them and others so they don't get hurt, knowing how to control your inner strength and your temper.

I find it beautiful that wrestling can be used as a cure or as a solution to a problem. This wrestler's story really touched me. This guy is a role model for me. Yes, if I could, I would move to the states to be with him... then again, I'd probably do this for a lot of wrestlers... hehehe.

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