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August 21, 2022 | Throwback Weekend | Some pictures | 2 years ago |
November 11, 2021 | First home match: Wrestling mats | Recent matches | 3 years ago |
March 16, 2020 | Retrospective | Some pictures | 4 years ago |
June 26, 2018 | The JackBouvier Collection | Some pictures | 6 years ago |
June 16, 2018 | More pics from Atlanta | Some pictures | 6 years ago |
November 25, 2017 | Uncommon holds | Some pictures | 7 years ago |
October 11, 2017 | Check-in | Some pictures | 7 years ago |
April 24, 2016 | Torture Rack | Some pictures | 8 years ago |
August 15, 2015 | Racking Power! | Some pictures | 9 years ago |
Sunday August 21 2022 - Throwback Weekend | Some pictures | |||||
It's Throwback Sunday and we get to look back at some of my past matches. Reminiscing the wrestling ring, I am pretty happy and feel lucky that I was able to bring LumberG (id 250) at least once into the ring before it disappeared. You get to see his charming good looks 🥰 where he moans in pain in my bearhug! This was in October 2016. I wasn't able to post this picture back then, but I had his permission when I asked him last year. 😀 However, I should have asked again, because LumberG was actually surprised that I posted this pic when he ended up googling his online wrestling handle. In the end, he told me it was okay because you can't really recognize him and apparently he doesn't look like this today anymore. He actually lost some weight and got leaner. But yeah... back in 2016, the rules were stricter: I could post some pictures, but only if we couldn't see his face, plus I had to blur out his tattoos so he could not be identified. 😅
Next up, I will always remember the good time I had with The Rookie in San Francisco. I get to crush him in a bearhug with body scissors combo. These are memories that came all the way from November 2014.
But I'm not really known to dominate am I? Where's the jobber in me? How about one where I am in big trouble? Headlockmehard (id 2511) is about to win the match with a devastating head scissors! This is from Match ID 283 in March 2015.
Last, but not least, we have a nice, but strong mighty bearhug from The Crusher (id 1228). I'm cheating here, because this was quite recent.... 😅 but any reason is a good reason to put a pic with the studly Crusher. 😂 He gained a little bit of weight, for the better of course. I think he is about 275 lbs here.
I'll try to hold these throwbacks a bit more often. It also encourages me to go out and lock horns with random strangers. 🤣 | ||||||
Blog ID 335 ![]() | ||||||
Thursday November 11 2021 - First home match: Wrestling mats | Recent matches | |||||
I invited Vicious and Sylvain for my first home match. I technically can get this setup around once a month (one day on a given month)... it's complicated. Knowing this, I bought before hand 8 mats that each measure 80 cm x 160 cm (32 inches x 63 inches), costing 80$ each... so yeah, it's a setup that costs 640$ (Canadian), but I think this is a good long term investment. Hey, it's cheaper than a hotel, considering that the hotel I was using that has a large amount of space has started requiring a minimum booking of 2 days, meaning a minimum spending fee of 400$. Anyhow, these mats have Velcro on each side so they can be attached all together for a 4 x 2 big mats setup equalizing 320 cm x 640 cm (126 x 252 inches), which is enough to have 2 separate matches going on at the same time. These velcro are rigid enough to prevent the mats from separating during a bout, although I still had to move them around lightly once in a while... they do somewhat get detached depending on the force being used, but that happens rarely enough (Thank goodness!) ![]() Vicious (id 5128) and Sylvain (id 2636) were obviously my guinea pigs and we had some good fun. The mats are stable and adequate for wrestling. The best part is that it's very easy to remove the mats and store them away once were done. In the absence of a wrestling ring, I think this is the next best thing. ![]() I haven't seen Sylvain for 2 years and a half so we caught up quite a bit. I had forgotten that Sylvain was previously an Olympic wrestler. We have always fought pro or give and take. I think this might be the first time I wrestled sub with him and I realized that aside from him letting me put him in body scissors, there's nothing I can do against him. If he wants to, he can become technically a brick.... and if you apply a wrestling hold on a brick, you're just gonna tire yourself. Sylvain was kind enough to show us a few warm up moves and useful technical wrestling hints to prevent us from injuring ourselves in a full blown sub match. As for Vicious, I wrestled him not too long ago, so no need to catch up there. ![]() ![]() Of course, an encore is required, but in due time. I'll go one-on-one next time if the opportunity comes up again next month. 2 days later, Ttaree Moss Dwa Le returned to Montreal and we fought again. Unfortunately, this was held back at the hotel because my private space was not available. Our match was very short and we ended up resting most of the time because he was tired from his travels. I also admit that week-end I was pretty low in energy. We'll have to catch back again in the future and he suggested maybe to take some pictures. We'll see. Anyhow, he'll be back. ![]() | ||||||
Blog ID 322 ![]() | ||||||
Monday March 16 2020 - Retrospective | Some pictures | |||||
I guess I won't be wrestling for a while... One thing I can do however is to look back at a couple of the matches I had during the first half of last year. This retrospective starts with a match I had with Fighting4Fun (id 7583) in July 2019. This is probably one of the rare match where I was recorded in sub. Normally, when I do sub, I just don't record it at all since it requires a third person to hold the camera to follow the wrestlers tumbling around. In this case, it was AllStar who filmed us.
In June 2019, I had what had become a yearly visit to Quebec city. It was actually supposed to be seasonal, but sometimes your schedule never works out right. Yeah, I should go there more often. I know this shot is grainy and I do realized that my camera has a bit of trouble taking pictures with low lighting conditions. In this pic, EvilDark (id 1077) is applying a body scissors while regulating the pressure based on the rhythm, tone and intensity of the "Phantom of the Opera" song that is playing in the background... Hey, it doesn't hurt to try something different every now and then.
RasslorBear (id 3872) came to visit me in Montreal in April 2019 and he held me in this tight embrace of a headlock. I guess you can tell that I am really enjoying this. It may not look like it, but deep inside, it feels great. ![]() RasslorBear spent a whole week-end here even though vacation are hard to plan in his field. I made him visit a children museum instead of spending more time wrestling him, but I was actually was afraid to wear him down. Little did I know this guy has some good stamina and a big heart.
GT and I had a rematch after a 14 year gap in January 2019, but that's because he doesn't really wrestle. Being a good sport is part of GT's great personality. He didn't mind taking pictures as long as it makes me happy and I get to share his fur with you guys in this full nelson. ![]()
I get to pull this reverse indian deathlock on DefiantSub in February 2019. The shot was taken by a kind Wrestle123 (id 8009) who allowed me to share a room with him and have a wrestling rumble week-end.
Never give up. I should hopefully resume a good stream of matches in the 2nd half of 2020. | ||||||
Blog ID 285 ![]() | ||||||
Tuesday June 26 2018 - The JackBouvier Collection | Some pictures | |||||
JackBouvier sent me a couple more pics he took with his camera at Clash 22. I look strange and puffy in this shot. It's as if I'm waiting for someone to ask me: "Why so serious?" My face looks this way because either I'm pushing my cheeks too hard against JackBouvier's legs or he is squeezing my head to avoid falling. Anyway, this is a reverse-inverted bearhug... or the start of a tombstone piledriver. To be honest, I don't have the proper training to drop him down the right way and shield the impact with my legs, so I simply went down slowly. I think someone from the crowd booed me, but you know what? Better safe than sorry. ![]()
How do you even call the hold in the image below? The arm stretcher? There's probably a technical name for it and for heaven's sake, I can never figure it out. JackBouvier is selling his hold by showing all the strength he is putting into it and roaring as he is about to rip my arms apart. In reality, he is so nice with me. ![]()
I was wondering for a moment who was the referee until I recognized the boots I passed to Fun4Us (id 8822). ![]() JackBouvier attempts a pin here. You'll also notice that the referee changed to Roscoe. I believe these pictures were taken from 2 separate matches, a non-official match and a tournament match. I like JackBouvier's evil look to the camera. It's as if he was saying: "This poor excuse of a jobber is going down, and so will you."
So I apparently escaped the pin and lunged on JackBouvier with a mighty bearhug. Oh no! What will happen to the Great JackBouvier? Will his days as a world-famous heel be over? Can he escape Loserboy's grip or will he abandon and scream in excruciating pain? Yep, it's me being campy again. ![]()
That bearhug is really my personal favorite pic of this set. Look at my smirk. I don't think I've ever seen myself happier bearhugging someone. Happier than this and I would probably get a seizure. I also love Roscoe's expression and gesture, you can sense him saying "Give up?", worried about JackBouvier's well-being. Awwww... I wouldn't even hurt JackBouvier. He's one of my favorite heels. ![]() If I ever hire a personal referee one day, I would definitely hire Roscoe. Not only he can ref my match, but I could wrestle him too! ![]() Sometimes, I have a feeling that JackBouvier does some magic, because I have no idea when some of those pictures were taken. Oh well.. I'm not complaining. He took some pretty good ones in my honest opinion. ![]() I bet you're wondering what the Saudi Arabia flag is doing there (green flag with the sword on the upper right corner of the bearhug). Well it's actually part of the setup of the Clash before the guys install the ring. They had flags for USA ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||
Blog ID 197 ![]() | ||||||
Saturday June 16 2018 - More pics from Atlanta | Some pictures | |||||
I was going through the video J took of me took while in Atlanta. I was able to extract these 2 shots from my match with DCJobber (id 3247) and cropped it down slightly to remove some of the spectators.
Like many titans, DCJobber is deep down a teddy bear. He wouldn't hurt a fly. His bearhug is really awesome and I would stay longer in it, but I had to pull out the typical elbow strike and that hand slap that magically breaks anyone free of the bearhug. ![]() I also went through the set with Shawty (id 620) and Fun4Us (id 8822) and selected these for today's post.
Fun4Us pins me down and I'm trying to counter with a reverse grapevine. I don't think it had any effect. Fun4Us' legs are strong enough to break this kind of wimpy hold. ![]()
Shawty just loves humiliating his opponents... despite being a jobber. How did I find myself in this position? I really don't remember. Maybe it's because he's a pretty cute guy and maybe because he asked me nicely. ![]()
I don't know why I didn't post this one before. Shawty explicitly asked that we take a group picture after our match. It's a nice something to remember and to recall as we look back in the years to come. The three of us could probably make a formidable team. What would be our team name? | ||||||
Blog ID 194 ![]() | ||||||
Saturday November 25 2017 - Uncommon holds | Some pictures | |||||
I'm uploading today images from uncommon holds... meaning holds I rarely post online. Not because I don't want to post them, but rather because I'm a bit unoriginal and usually post the same stuff... you know, my typical bearhugs, scissors, racks, you know them. ![]() So to make things slightly different, take for example this Figure-Four Leglock. I locked it on MustangCowboy (id 11699) since it's his absolute favorite hold. He actually reversed it, so I'm the one who's supposed to feel the pain.. at least, I have to try to sell it. I think I'm smiling so no, I'm not really doing a good job. It's a bit hard to sell it if this hold actually tickles me and makes me laugh. ![]()
You usually don't see me put a Schoolboy Pin... well, actually I did post one previously, but just one. This pin is courtesy of RochesterRasssler from Globalfight. You guessed it, that's his favorite hold.
The Reverse Indian Deathlock is actually a common hold with me, but I don't usually post this because it's hard to get the right angle for it. Needless to say, I am quite happy with how it came out with MarcWrestler (id 3658). I also like the expression I'm using. Now I'm halfway there to become the heel that many want me to be. ![]()
Last, but not least, here's VinnyDevine (id 3389) in action with Ted's Diabiase finisher: The Million Dollar Dream, also known as the Cobra Clutch. Vinny also posted this on his Globalfight profile so I felt it was safe to post it here.
I absolutely wanted to make a post today because it is a symbolic post for me. It is the last day I am making a blog entry from my old apartment. I'm now moving on to a new place. Almost all my boxes are ready. It's a new milestone in my life and it's a good time for me to reboot and to start over. No worries, this blog will remain unchanged and I will still continue posting new stuff. ![]() Be-Bear (id 2910) came to me and said: He gave me a long and warm embrace, and through this hug, I saw the 8 years we've been together as boyfriends, as exes, as friends and finally as roommates. All the great moments we've had together slowly passed through my mind: the cuddles, the fun times, the match, the trips, the laughs we've had together... We both would have wanted this to last longer, but we've both agreed that it is best if we both part ways and move on with our lives. But these memories will forever be imprinted in me. Hey, I even have this cliché pic we took in Mexico to remember him. ![]() ![]() Be-Bear had a wicked sense of humor and his personality matched mine very well. In the least, we part on good terms and he suggested that we see once every two weeks to hang out. Sometimes, life is about making the hard, but the right decisions... | ||||||
Blog ID 165 ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday October 11 2017 - Check-in | Some pictures | |||||
I've been a wee bit quiet lately. I was supposed to go to Quebec city last week-end to meet EvilDark (id 1077) again, but I had to cancel due to a family emergency. Nevertheless, when things got back a bit calmer and smoother on Monday, I took these pics before shaving my head and beard shorter... shortly afterwards. I admit that this is the longest hair and beard I've had in a while. They are almost as long to make a Mohawk cut on my head. I know.. I look like a bum this way, but it makes both a great heel or jobber look, depends of course how you look at it. ![]() This is my usual full of myself stance where I'm the jobber who thinks that he is all that great... only to be shown a humiliating defeat a few minutes after. Or you know, for some other people, this is my heel stance where I'll be showing you who's the boss in an upcoming match in a ring near you...
You can almost make a "You there... come over here" with the following two pics:
Finally, here's another typical cliché fighting stance.
I've had this "speedo" that I mostly used in competitive submission matches for a while now... They are still my favorite. I have NOT been watching myself lately. I'll need to be careful, because I'm growing a bigger belly than usual. A combination of spending more time at work lately and being lazy are small contributing factors that can end up having a big impact on the long term. I used to do simple things only at work, being just a software tester. Nowadays, I'm coding as well and it takes a lot of my mind at the end of the day. I just want to relax afterwards. Hopefully, things will stabilize and I will find a proper balance between work, family, resting, hobbies, wrestling and some exercise in between. ![]() | ||||||
Blog ID 156 ![]() | ||||||
Sunday April 24 2016 - Torture Rack | Some pictures | |||||
It's not a secret that I love showing off with my torture rack. It's the gimmick of the small jobber who thinks who can beat bigger opponents... but in the end, he is shown the true color of defeat when the big guy takes the upper hand and wins the match. Usually, I can rack guys while standing, up to a limit of 200 lbs. When kneeling down, I can go up to around 250~260 lbs. I was able to reach 270~280 lbs at one point, but I don't think I can pull that off anymore. ![]() Here's one of me racking Edinchattanooga (id 2616) during the Clash of 2013. This one was at 260 lbs.. although I can't remember if Edin lied to me a bit about his weight...
In contrast, here's an easy standing lift at 135 lbs. Piece of cake. This one actually comes from Chapter 2 of the Wolfjobber Chronicles.
I'll wrestle light guys as much as I will wrestle heavier guys. Fun comes in all sizes and packages. ![]() | ||||||
Blog ID 59 ![]() | ||||||
Saturday August 15 2015 - Racking Power! | Some pictures | |||||
This has always been one of my favorite pics.
It was taken in Chinlock's (id 7994) basement where he has this very nice wrestling set-up. Black background, black mats, great lighting, perfect for video recording or photography. I like the fierce look I give and Chinlock bends just nicely on my rack. ![]() I really need to get back to Toronto, but I have been bitten so many times with many Toronto wrestlers canceling on me or simply not showing up. My best bet is to probably just stick with the ones I have already wrestled in the past: they are the reliable ones. | ||||||
Blog ID 29 ![]() |