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| | Loserboy (id 111)
5'4", 160 lbs
Montreal, Quebec
Canada | Jobberboy (id 482)
5'6", 146 lbs
Laurelton, New York
USA | Having lost 2 consecutive matches against Jobberboy, Loserboy is determined to do everything it takes to win this third round. His pride and honor is at stake here!
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Note: This match is the sequel of the match called: "Another Encounter Between Jobbers" (id 97)
If you haven't read it, you should do so before continuing.
You can also check the listing of related chapters to start reading from a different location.
The first thing that comes to Jobberboy's mind is of a way to strike Loserboy where it hurts.
What better than the Bearhug? Loserboy's favorite hold, a great hold to wear him down! What better way to make him fall prey to Jobberboy's much superior strength! |
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- "I got you now, Loserboy! Give it up! You don't stand a chance against me crushing you!", shouts a strong and punishing Jobberboy.
Fighting valiantly against Jobberboy's squeeze, Loserboy clenches his fists, trying to resist the bearhug as much as he can. |
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- "C'mon, Loserboy! Do you give up to my bearhug?"
- "What bearhug? I can barely feel anything! Your bearhug wouldn't even hurt the neighbor's cat!", mocks Loserboy.
But in reality, Loserboy's stamina is waning fast as he stays in Jobberboy's furious bearhug. Loserboy is just stalling and bluffing... hoping that Jobberboy would release him to switch to a different hold out of impatience. |
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Loserboy's evil plot worked a little bit... Jobberboy drops him on the mattress, but immediately locks in a devastating Bearhug with Body Scissors, squeezing Loserboy two times fold!
- "URGH!", groans Loserboy, feeling his body constricted by both Jobberboy's strong arms and legs.
- "I'll squeeze the crap out of you!", grunts Jobberboy. |
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Jobberboy cranks up the pressure by one notch and Loserboy can indeed feels those legs and arms digging in, crushing him slowly, sapping every ounce of energy out of Loserboy.
- "Do you give up now, Loserboy?", asks Jobberboy as he jerks the hold once more, squeezing Loserboy tightly.
Loserboy winces and hesitates, but he eventually decides that he will continue to fight!
- "No! I'll never submit to your puny holds!" |
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