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| | Loserboy (id 111)
5'4", 155 lbs
Montreal, Quebec
Canada | Dark Shadow (id 1978)
6'2", 235 lbs
Southern, New York
USA | The Great Dark Shadow Champion takes on the puny jobber Loserboy.
Is this even a fair match?
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| As soon as the bell rings, Dark Shadow and Loserboy lock up in a test of strength.
The cocky Loserboy is not afraid of his opponent, even though Dark Shadow is almost twice his size. |
| It doesn't take long for Loserboy to realize his foolishness in tackling such a strong opponent.
- "Arrrgh!", yelps Loserboy as he bends down to one knee, trying to push his might into his arms as much as he can to win this test of strength.
Looking at Loserboy's pathetic effort, Dark Shadow laughs under his mask:
- "Why do you even bother, Loserboy? Save yourself from the humiliation and call it quits before I break your body in half!" |
- "I will NEVER submit to the likes of you!", yells a valiant Loserboy.
And to prove his opponent wrong, Loserboy dashes in boldly and grabs Dark Shadow up in a Bearhug.
- "AAARRRGH!", growls Dark Shadow.
This bold move is not without consequence: Lifting up Dark Shadow drains a lot of Loserboy's stamina. Yet, the jobber boy is determined to keep his opponent up in the airs for longer. |
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Knowing full well that he shouldn't spend all of his strength, Loserboy drops Dark Shadow on the mats and sneakishly slips behind him to apply a Dreadful Sleeper of Slumber.
Dark Shadow struggles by moving his arms in all directions in an attempt to reach for something to help him break free.
- "Nite, nite, Dark Shadow!", grins Loserboy as he tightens up the grip of his hold. |
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Loserboy keeps up his momentum by switching to a Dragon Sleeper.
- "Who's in charge now, huh?", shouts Loserboy loudly as he cranks up the pressure, "Come on! TELL ME! WHO'S IN CHARGE NOW?!?"
Muffled by the hold, Dark Shadow is incapable of responding...
- "Mmmppph!" |
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