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[ Find more ]     Title:Spider-man (Struggling) in Ox's Bearhug
Category:Lifted frontal bearhug
Sub-category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Rating:6.06 (17 votes)
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Related content: Spectacular Spider-Man, The [March 8, 2008] (id 344)
Related content rating:7.67 [ Change ] (+20 views)

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Spider-man struggles against the Crushing arms of the Ox Enforcer to escape the bearhug.

Why waste time and space uploading 4 small images, when you can put them together into ONE pana-long screenshot and upload it at once!


Related Entry:Spectacular Spider-Man, The [March 8, 2008] (id 344)

Entry Description:
On the FIRST NEWEST Episode of the NEW ”the Spectacular Spider-Man” cartoon, Spider-man gets kicked (by another Enforcer) into a BEARHUG by a Huge muscle-bound Enforcer (named Ox, appropriately). The first bearhug is at 2:45, lasting 8 seconds and the second is at 3:59, for about 6 seconds.

Related Uploads:

Uploader:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

Dimensions (width x height):972 x 349     (Shrunken size: 778 x 279)
File size:69 KB (0.07 MB)
Creation date:2010-04-11
MD5sum signature:650cfbda5cd4934b7dff83a551b57b8f

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