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[ Find more ]     Title:Monger CRUSH Iron man!
Category:Lifted frontal bearhug
Sub-category:Bearhug in movies
Rating:4.53 (19 votes)
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Related content: Iron Man [2008] (id 246)
Related content rating:6.00 [ Change ] (+20 views)

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Another Great picture of Iron-Man in the Steel Cold Grip of Monger . . . getting squeezed and crushed, slowly and painfully (but not long enough for us to see and enjoy).

This picture actually has better quality and lighting than the DVD. Unlike the movie, this image's bottom section shows Iron Monger's body, abit more of the arm and has the sides of the screen chopped off to focus more on the bearhug.

Bearhugger:Iron Monger
Victim:Iron Man

Related Entry:Iron Man [2008] (id 246)

Entry Description:
Towards the battle scene at the end of the movie. Iron Man is fighting his enemy who is about 3x Iron Man’s size. So the enemy picks him up into a big, huge bearhug! It’s worth seeing, or if you just want to see the movie you’ll run into also.

See also Database Entry 1216 for the bearhug in the Movie Comic Book Part 2.

Link #1 has a video of the Game, which includes the Bearhug which appears throughout the first half of the video (not same as film, but just as good and better lit!).

Link #2 has the Movie’s bearhug, but it’s not in the best quality, nor HD (but a video, anyway) at 4:14.

Link #3 is a (fan’s?) CG ”3D” animated brief fight, where the bearhug crush comes at 32 seconds and it pins Ironman’s arms, but a headbutt releases him 3 seconds later.

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Uploader:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

Dimensions (width x height):900 x 600     (Shrunken size: 720 x 480)
File size:140 KB (0.14 MB)
Creation date:2008-12-28
Modification date:2010-02-05
Last edited by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)
MD5sum signature:ae04dad4d83b191acaaabecd629a774a

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