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[ Find more ]     Title:Captain Planet Captured by Duke Nukem
Sub-category:Bearhug in TV cartoons
Rating:5.94 (18 votes)
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Related content: New Adventures of Captain Planet, The [November 20, 1993] (id 128)
Related content rating:6.67 [ Change ] (+20 views)

I know I know this isn’t an actual BEARHUG picture (but so are quite a few others).

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Duke Nukem has just given Captain Planet a shocking grab of his arm, a few spins and a dangerous close/draw-in. The Eco-Hero struggles helplessly.

Bearhugger:Duke Nukem
Victim:Captain Planet

Related Entry:New Adventures of Captain Planet, The [November 20, 1993] (id 128)

Entry Description:
A big, mean, yellow, ugly bad guy by the name of Duke Nukem bearhugs Captain Planet. The bad guy gets bigger and stronger as he drains Captain Planet’s energy in a bearhug.

Now available on ”Complete Series” DVD through JB-Hifi in Australia!

Related Uploads:

Uploader:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)

Dimensions (width x height):631 x 474
File size:223 KB (0.22 MB)
Creation date:2009-11-24
Modification date:2012-11-28
Last edited by:SamLovesBearHugs (id 1238)
MD5sum signature:341650ef09e4939bb1788dc617926b4d

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